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[taken from: Donnchadh Ó Corráin, Medieval Irish books, Turnhout: Brepols 2014 (at press)]

(i) Liber de praedestinatione (On predestination). AD 850–1

Manuscripts. (i) Paris, BN, lat. 13386, ff. 103r–158v; s. ix; provenance Saint-Germain-des-Prés and Corbie; caroline minuscule, titles in rustic capitals. — (ii) Paris, BN, lat. 2445; s. ixex; origin Saint-Pierre d’Hautvilliers (abundant citations of the text by Prudentius of Troyes). MS (i) is a copy of the archetype, MS (ii) an independent descendant from the same archetype through one intermediary.

Editions & Translations. PL 122, 355–440. — Goulven Madec (ed.), Johannis Scotti De diuina praedestinatione liber, CCCM 50 (Turnhout, 1978). — Mary Brennan (trans.), Treatise on divine predestination, Notre Dame Texts in Medieval Culture, 5 (Notre Dame IN, 1998). — Ernesto Sergio N. Mainoldi (ed. & trans.), Giovanni Scoto Eriugena, De praedestinatione liber: dialettica e teologia all’apogeo della rinascenza carolingia, Per verba: Testi mediolatini con traduzione, 18 (Florence, 2003) [critical edition with non-normalised text].

Literature. Kenney §381. — BCLL §695.— C. J. Hefele & J. Hergenröther, Histoire des conciles, trans. & corr. Henri Leclercq & Charles de Clercq, 11 vols. (Paris, 1907–52), iv (1911), 175–6. — Maïeul Cappuyns, Jean Scot Érigène: sa vue, son œuvre, sa pensée (Louvain & Paris, 1933; repr. 1964), 102–27. — B. Lavaud, ‘Prédestination, IV: la controverse sur le prédestination au IXe siècle’, in DTC xii (1935), 2901–35. — E. Amann, ‘La controverse prédestienne’, in A. Fliche & V. Martin, Histoire de l’église depuis les origines jusqu’ à nos jours; vi, L’époque carolingienne (Paris, 1947), 320–44. — J. Gross, ‘Ur- und Erbsünde in der “Physiologie” des Johannes Scotus Eriugena’, Z Kirchengesch 66 (1954–5), 254–71. — Gerard Mathon ‘L’utilisation des textes de saint Augustin par Jean Scot Érigène dans son De praedestinatione’, in Augustinus magister: actes du congrès international augustinien tenu à Paris, 21–24 septembre 1954, iii (Paris, 1955), 419–28. — J. Devisse, Hincmar, archevêque de Reims, 3 vols. (Geneva, 1975–6), i 118–53, 187–279. — Gerard Mathon, ‘L’utilisation des textes de saint Augustine par Jean Scot Érigène’, in Congrès international augustinien (ed.), Augustinus magister: Congrès international augustinien, Paris, 21–24 septembre, 1954 (Paris, 1954–5). — Marta Cristiani, ‘La notion de loi dans le “De praedestinatione” de Jean Scot’, Studi medievali, 17 (1976), 81–114; repr. in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 277–88. — Goulven Madec, ‘L’augustinisme de Jean Scot dans le De praedestinatione’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 183–90. — Jean-Paul Bouhot, ‘Le «de diuina praedestinatione» de Jean Scot’, Revue des études augustiniennes, 25 (1979), 256–63. — G. Giambernardini, ‘La predestinazione assoluta di Cristo nella cultura orientale prescolastica e in Giovanni Scoto’, Antonianum, 54 (1979), 596–621. — Giulio d’Onofrio, ‘La nuova edizione del De diuina praedestinatione liber di Giovanni Scoto’, Studi storico religiosi, 5 (1981), 267–88. — David Ganz, ‘The debate on predestination’, in Margaret Gibson & Janet Nelson (eds.), Charles the Bald: court and kingdom, Br Archaeol Rep Int Ser., 101 (Oxford, 1981), 353–73.— Guy-H. Allard. ‘The primacy of existence in the thought of Eriugena’, in D. J. O’Meara (ed), Neoplatonism and christian thought (Albany NY, 1981), 89—96. — Gangolf Schrimpf, ‘Der Beitrag des Johannes Scottus Eriugena zum Prädestinationsstreit’, in Heinz Löwe (ed.), Die Iren und Europa im früheren Mittelalter (Stuttgart, 1982), 819–65. — Gangolf Schrimpf, Das Werk des Johannes Scottus Eriugena im Rahmen des Wissenschaftsverständnisses seiner Zeit: eine Hinführung zu Periphyseon, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, NF, 23, (Münster, 1982), 72–108. — Maria Cristiani, ‘“Lex–justitia”: Giovanni Eriugena maestro palatino e la maturità della cultura carolingia’, Schede mediaevali, 2 (1982), 14–31. — Dermot Moran, The philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena: a study of idealism in the middle ages (Cambridge, 1989; repr. Cambridge, 2004), 27–34. — Gian Luca Potestà, ‘Ordine ed eresia nella controversia sull predestinazione’, in Claudio Leonardi & Enrico Menestò (eds.), Giovanni Scoto nel suo tempo: l’organizzazione del sapere in età carolingia, Atti dei Convegni dell’ Accademia Tudertina e del Centro di studi sulla spiritualità medievale, nuova ser., 1 (Spoleto, 1989), 383–411. — C. Francisco Bertelloni, ‘Implicaciones políticas de la predestinación al comienzo y al final de la edad media: Juan Escoto Erígena y John Wyclif’, in Luís Alberto de Boni (ed.), Miscellanea mediaevalia (Porto Alegre, 1996)=Veritas: revista trimestral de filosofia e ciências humanas da PUCRS, 41 (1996), 391–409. — Armando Bisogno, ‘Essentia, voluntas et scientia: esiti escatologici della gnoseologia del De praedestinatione liber’, in J. McEvoy & M. Dunne (eds.), History and eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and his time, Proceedings of the 10th international congress of SPES, Maynooth & Dublin, August 16–20, 2000 (Leuven, 2002), 277–96. — Ernesto Sergio N. Mainoldi, ‘Su alcune fonti inspiratrici del De diuina praedestinatione liber’in J. McEvoy & M. Dunne (eds.), History and eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and his time, Proceedings of the 10th international congress of SPES, Maynooth & Dublin, August 16–20, 2000 (Leuven, 2002), 307–23. — Robert Crouse, ‘Predestination, human freedom, and the Augustinian theology of history in Eriugena’s De divina praedestinatione’, in J. McEvoy & M. Dunne (eds.), History and eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and his time, Proceedings of the 10th international congress of SPES, Maynooth & Dublin, August 16–20, 2000 (Leuven, 2002), 303–11 — Paul A. Dietrich & Donald F. Duclow, ‘Hell and damnation in Eriugena’, in J. McEvoy & M. Dunne (eds.), History and eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and his time, Proceedings of the 10th international congress of SPES, Maynooth & Dublin, August 16–20, 2000 (Leuven, 2002), 347–66. — Breandán Ó Cíobháin (review of Ernesto Sergio N. Mainoldi, Giovanni Scoto Eriugena, De praedestinatione liber: dialettica e teologia all’apogeo della rinascenza carolingia), Peritia, 17 (2004), 532–36..

(ii) Versio Dionysii (translation into Latin of Ps-Dionysius). AD 860×864, rev. 865×870

Manuscripts. Very many MSS, and the transmission is complex; see Traube, MGH PLAC, iii 525–6.

Editions. Opera Dionysii veteris et novae translationis, etiam novissime ipsius Marsilii Ficini, cum commentariis Hugonis, Alberti, Thomae, Ambrosii oratoris, Linconiensis et Vercellensis (Strasbourg, 1503). — S. Dionysii Areopagitae martyris, episcopi Atheniensis et Gallorum apostoli opera, quae quidem exstent, omnia, quintuplici translatione versa, et commentariis D. Dionysii a Rikel Carthusiani nunc iterum diligentissime editis elucidata, ab innumeris, quibus antehac scatebant, mendis sedula vindicata (Cologne, 1556). — PL 122, 1029–1194. — P. Chevallier (ed.), Dionysiaca: receuil donnant l’ensemble des traductions latines des ouvrages attribués au Denys l’Aréopage, 2 vols. (Bruges & Paris, 1937–50).

Literature. Kenney §386. — Manitius, i 333. — BCLL §696. — Paul Lehmann, ‘Zur Kenntnis der Schriften des Dionysius Areopagita im Mittelalter’, Revue Bénédictine, 35 (1923), 81–97. — G. Théry, ‘Scot Érigène, traducteur de Denys’, Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 6 (1931), 185–280. — G. Théry, Études dionysiennes, I: Hilduin, traducteur de Denys (Paris, 1932). — Maïeul Cappuyns, Jean Scot Érigène: sa vue, son œuvre, sa pensée (Louvain & Paris, 1933; repr. 1964), 150–61. — G. Théry, ‘Scot Érigène, introducteur de Denys’, New Scholasticism, 7 (1933), 91–108. — R. Weiss, ‘ Lo studio del greco all’Abbazia di San Dionigi durante il medioevo’, Rivista di storia della chiesa in Italia, 6 (1952), 426–38. — René Roques, ‘Recherches sur l’influence du “corpus” dionysien: Jean Scot traducteur et commentateur’, Annuaire de l’École pratique des hautes études, 78 (1970), 301–5. — René Roques, ‘Les hiérarchies dionysiennes présentées par Jean Scot’, Annuaire de l’École pratique des hautes études, 79 (1971), 338–44. — René Roques, ‘Traduction ou interprétation? Brèves remarques sur Jean Scot traducteur de Denys’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 59–76. — I. P. Sheldon-Williams, ‘Eriugena’s interpretation of Pseudo-Dionysius’, in E. A. Livingstone (ed.), Studia patristica, 12/14, 3 vols. (Berlin, 1975–6), i 151–4=TU 115–7, i 151–4. — Jean Pépin, ‘Jean Scot traducteur de Denys: l’example de la Lettre X’, in Guy–H. Allard (ed.), Jean Scot écrivain: actes du IVe colloque international, Cahiers d’études médiévales, Cahier spécial, 1 (Montreal & Paris, 1986), 129–51.

(iii) Maximi confessoris Ambigua (translation into Latin of the Ambigua of Maximus the Confessor). AD 862×864

Manuscripts. (i) Paris, B Mazarine, 561, ff. 8r–216v; s. ix² (with some additions, s. xi); origin Saint-Médard de Soissons. The first owner of the MS was Vulfad, friend of Eriugena, abbot of Saint-Médard de Soissons, later archbishop of Bourges; in Saint-Bénigne de Dijon, s. xi². — (ii) Rome, B apostolica vaticana, Reg. lat. 596; a single folio, removed from MS (i). — (iii) Paris, B de l’Arsenal, 237, ff. 9r–184v; s. ix² (before 869); owner bishop Gautier d’Orléans (869–91); at Cluny, s. xii. — (iv) Cambridge, Trinity College L, O.9.5; paper; a copy of MS (iii). — Cambridge, Trinity College L, O.10.36; paper; a copy of MS (iv). MS (iii) is a copy of MS (i), itself a copy of Eriugena’s first working text.

Editions. PL 122, 1193–222. — Édouard Jeauneau (ed.), Maximi Confessoris Ambigua ad Iohannem iuxta Iohannis Scotti Eriugenae latinam interpretationem, CCSG 18 (Turnhout, 1988).

Literature. Kenney §390. — BCLL §697. — Manitius, i 334. — J. Dräsecke, ‘Zu Maximus Confessor’, Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Theologie, 47 (1904), 250–9. — J. Dräsecke, ‘Maximus Confessor und Johannes Scotus Eriugena’, Theologische Studien und Kritiken, 84 (1911), 20–60, 204–29. — Maïeul Cappuyns, Jean Scot Érigène: sa vue, son œuvre, sa pensée (Louvain & Paris, 1933; repr. 1964), 162–72. — Maïeul Cappuyns, ‘La Versio Ambiguorum Maximi de Jean Scot Érigène’, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 30 (1963), 324–9. — M. Cappuyns, ‘Jean Scot Érigène et les scoliae de Maxime le Confesseur’, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 31 (1964), 122–4. — Maïeul Cappuyns, ‘Glose inédite de Jean sur un passage de Maxime’, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 31 (1964), 320–4. — T. A. M. Bishop, ‘Autographa of John the Scot’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Actes des colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 89–94. — R. Le Bourdellès, ‘Conaissance du grec et méthodes de traduction dans le monde carolingien jusqu’à Scot Érigène’ in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Actes des colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 117–23. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘La traduction érigénienne des Ambigua de Maxime le Confesseur: Thomas Gale (1636–1702) et le Codex Remensis’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Actes des colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 135–44; repr., with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 423–34. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘Jean l’Érigène et les Ambigua de Maxime le Confesseur’, in Felix Heinzer & Cristoph von Schönborn (eds.), Maximus Confessor (Fribourg, 1982), 343–64; repr., with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 211–338. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘Jean Scot, traducteur de Maxime le Confesseur’, in Michael W. Herren & Shirley Anne Brown (eds.), The sacred nectar of the Greeks: the study of Greek in the West in the early middle ages, King’s College London, Medieval Studies, 2 (London, 1988), 257–76. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘John Scot Érigène: grandeur et misère du métier de traducteur’, in Traduction et traducteurs au moyen âge, Colloque international du CNRS, IRHT, 26–28 mai 1986 (Paris, 1989), 99–108. — Thomas Böhm, ‘Adnotationes zu Maximus Confessor und Johannes Scottus Eriugena’, in Walter Haug & Wolfram Schneider-Lastin (eds.), Deutsche Mystik im abendländischen Zusammenhang (Tübingen, 2000), 51–60.

(iv) Versio Gregorii Nysseni De imagine (translation into Latin of De imagine of Gregory of Nyssa). AD 862×864

Manuscript. Bamberg, Staatsbibl., B.IV.13 al. Patr. 78, ff. 88r–114r

Editions. PG 44, 177–80. — Maïeul Cappuyns (ed.), ‘Le De imagine de Grégoire de Nysse traduit par Jean Scot Érigéne’, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 32 (1965), 205–62.

Literature. BCLL §698. — J. Dräsecke, ‘Gregorios von Nyssa in den Anführungen des Johannes Scotus Eriugena’, Theologische Studien und Kritiken, 82 (1909), 530–76.— Maïeul Cappuyns, Jean Scot Érigène: sa vue, son œuvre, sa pensée (Louvain & Paris, 1933; repr. 1964), 172–8. — P. Levine, ‘Two early Latin versions of St Gregory of Nyssa’s 'Perì kataskeuês anthrópou'’, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 63 (1958), 473–92. — R. C. Dales, ‘A medieval view of human dignity’, J Hist Ideas, 38 (1977) 557–72 [Eriugena and Gregory of Nyssa. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘ La division des sexes chez Grégoire de Nysse et chez Jean Scot Érigène’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen, Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.–30. August 1979, Abhandl. Heidelberger Akad Wiss, phil.-hist. Kl., Jhg 1980, Bericht 3 (Heidelberg, 1980), 33–54; repr. in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 341–64.

(v) Versio Questionum ad Thalassium S. Maximi (translation into Latin of Quaestiones ad Thalassium of Maximus the Confessor). AD 864×866

Manuscripts. (i) Montecassino, Archivio della Badia, 333; s. xex/xiin (c. AD 1000); origin probably Montecassino; text in Beneventan script, scholia in caroline minuscule. — (ii) Troyes, B municipale, 1234, ff. 136–211v; s. xii (after AD 1134–8); provenance Clairvaux.

Edition. Carl Laga & Carlos Steel (eds.), Maximi Confessoris Quaestiones ad Thalassium una cum latina interpretatione Ioannis Scotti Eriugenae, 2 vols., CCSG 7 (Turnhout, 1980); 22 (Turnhout, 1990).

Literature. Paul Meyvaert, ‘The exegetical treatises of Peter the Deacon and Eriugena’s Latin rendering of Ad Thalassium of Maximus the Confessor’, Sacris Erudiri, 14 (1963), 130–48. — Maïeul Cappuyns, ‘Jean Scot Érigène et les Scoliae de Maxime le Confesseur’, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 31 (1964), 122–4. — Paul Meyvaert, ‘Eriugena’s translation of the Ad Thalassium of Maximus: preliminaries to an edition of the work’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 78–88.

(vi) Translation into Latin of the Solutiones of Priscianus Lydus.

Manuscripts. (i) Paris, BN, lat. 13386; s. ix . — (ii) London, BL, Harley 3969, ff. 139v–60; s. xiv. — (iii) Mantua, B comunale, A. IV 25; s. xiv (?). — London, BL. Cotton Vespasian A. II. 13, ff. 148–57; s. xiv.

Editions. J. Quicherat, ‘Solution des problèmes proposés par Chosroes: traité inédit de Priscien le philosophe’, Bibliothèque de l’École des chartres, 3rd ser., 4 (1853), 248–63. . — I. Bywater (ed.), Prisciani Lydi quae extant, Supplementum Aristotelicum, i/2 (Berlin, 1886), 39–104.

Literature. Kenney §380. — Manitius, i 331, 338. — BCLL §708. — Mario Esposito, ‘Priscianus Lydus and Johannes Scottus’, Classic Rev 32 (1918), 21–3; repr. in Mario Esposito, Irish books and learning in mediaeval Europe, ed. Michael Lapidge (Aldershot, 1990), cap. 10. — A. Wilmart, ‘Les réponses de Priscien le philosophe sous le nom de saint Augustin’, Revue Bénédictine 49 (1937), 3–12. — M.–T. d’Alverny, ‘Les Solutiones ad Chosroem de Priscianus Lydus et Jean Scot’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 145–60.

(vii) Periphyseon (De diuisione naturae). AD 864×866

Manuscripts. (i) Avranches, B municipale, 230, ff. 1–172v; s. xii² (perhaps AD 1164×1186); origin Mont Saint-Michel; one of two volumes that belonged to the monastery. — (ii) Bamberg, Staatsbibl., Philos. 2/1 olim HJ.IV.5, ff. 1r–230v; s. ix²; origin perhaps Saint-Médard de Soissons; belonged to Gerbert d’Aurillac; emperor Henry II gave it to Bamberg cathedral. — (iii) Bamberg, Staatsbibl., Philos. 2/2 olim HJ.IV.6), ff. 1r–207v; s. ix²; origin perhaps Saint-Médard de Soissons; belonged to Gerbert d’Aurillac who gave it to emperor Otto II, who gave it to Bamberg cathedral. — (iv) Cambridge, Trinity College L, O.5.20; s. xii¹ (AD 1125×1143); origin Malmesbury, written under the direction of William of Malmesbury; scribes William of Malmesbury (pp. 46–56), one Richard, and perhaps three others. — (v) Dublin, TCL, 240 olim C. 1. 21, ff. 1r–200v; s. xvii. — (vi) Paris, BN, lat. 12255, ff. 192–235v; s. ix²; perhaps AD 860×900). — (vii) Paris, BN, lat. 12964, pp. 1–447; s. ix²; origin NW France, perhaps Laon or Reims (denied by Bischoff); provenance Corbie. — (viii) Paris, BN, lat. 12965, ff. 1r–270v; s. ix²; origin NW France; provenance Corbie and Saint-Germain-des-Prés. — (ix) Reims, B municipale, 875, ff. 1r–358v; s. ix² (apart from ff. 212–7, c. AD 1000); numerous additions and corrections in Irish hands, i¹ and i²; origin perhaps Saint-Médard de Soissons; provenance Reims. — (x) Bern, Burgerb, cod. 469, ff. 1–52v; s. xiim ed [book 1 and part of book 2]. — (xi) Dublin, TCL, 197 olim B. 4. 4, ff. 40r–182r; paper; s. xvii (c. AD 1637); a copy of Paris, BN, lat. 1764 [book 1 and part of book 2]. — (xii) 8Paris, BN, lat. 1764, ff. 99r–145v; s. x/xi; origin prob. district of Limoges [book 1 and part of book 2]. — (xiii) Admont, Stiftsb, 678, ff. 1–62; s. xii² [book 1 only]. — (xiv) El Escorial, Real B, P.III.4, ff. 44r–87v; s. xii [book 1 only]. — (xv) Cologne, Historisches Archiv der Stadt, W 4° 225, ff. 1r–44r; s. xiii [book 1 only]. — (xvi) London, BL, Additional 11035, ff. 9r–85v; s. xiex; origin Saint-Eucaire de Trèves [book 1 only]. — (xvii) Brussels, B royale, 11080–81, ff. 4–7; s. xii [fragments of book 3]. — (xviii) Milan, B Ambrosiana, B. 71 sup., f. 35r; s. ix [fragment of book 1]. — Paris, BN, lat. 12960, ff. 31r–38v; s. ix/x [fragment of book 1]. — (xix) St Gall, Stiftsb, 274, p. 4; s. ix [fragment of book 1]. — (xx) Soest, Stadtb, fragment 34; s. xi/xii [fragments of books 3–4]. — (xxi) Troyes, B municipale, 3311, n. 19, f. 1; s. xi [a fragment of book 1]. — (xxii) Vienna, Nationalbibl., lat. 833, ff. 54v–55r; s. xiii [three fragments]. There are extracts in three florilegia. For a masterly discussion of the manuscript witnesses (from which this listing is derived), see below Jeauneau’s edition, i, pp. xxix–lxvi. For a twelfth-century epitome with Irish glosses, see §253 below. See also §241.

Editions & Translations. Thomas Gale (ed.), Joannis Scoti Erigenae De divisione naturae libri quinque diu desiderati. Accedit appendix ex Ambiguis S. Maximi graece et latine (Oxford, 1681). — C. B. Schlüter (ed.), Johannis Scoti Erigenae De divisione naturae libri quinque: editio recognita et emendata (Münster, 1838). — Heinrich Joseph Floss, PL 122 (1853), 439–1022. — L. Noack (trans.), Johannes Scotus Eriugena Über die Einteilung der Natur, 2 vols. (Berlin, 1870–4); new impression ed. W. Beierwaltes (Hamburg, 1983). — I. P. Sheldon-Williams & Ludwig Bieler (eds. & trans.), Iohannis Scotti Eriugenae Periphyseon (De diuisione naturae), i–iii, SLH 7, 9, 11 (Dublin, 1968–81). — Myra I. Uhlfelder (trans.), Johannes Scottus Eriugena, Periphyseon: On the division of nature, with summaries by Jean A. Potter, Library of Liberal Arts, 157 (Indianapolis IN, 1976) [translation of nearly half of Periphyseon]. — I. P. Sheldon-Williams (trans.), Eriugena: Periphyseon (The division of nature), rev. J. J. O’Meara, Cahiers d’études médiévales, Cahier spécial, 3 (Montreal, Paris & Washington DC, 1987). — Yoshihiro Kon, ‘Yohanesu Eriugena Perifyuseon’, in Keji Otano (ed.), Chûsei shisô genten shûsei (Corpus fontium mentis medii aevii), 6 (Tokyo, 1992), 473–631 [Japanese translations of selections of the Periphyseon]. — Édouard Jeauneau (ed.), J. J. O’Meara & I.áP. Sheldon-Williams (trans.), Iohannis Scotti Eriugenae Periphyseon (De divisions naturae) liber quartus, SLH 13 (Dublin, 1995). — Francis Bertin (trans.), De la division de la nature: Periphyseon de Jean Scot Érigène, 2 vols. (Paris,1995) [bks 1–3 only]. — Valery V. Petroff, ‘John Scottus Eriugena, Periphyseon, i’, in Natural philosophy in Antiquity and the middle ages, i (Moscow, 1998), 218–73 [translation into Russian of about one-third of vol. i, with commentary and notes]. — Édouard Jeauneau (ed.), Iohannis Scotti seu Eriugenae Periphyseon, 5 vols., CCCM 161–5 (Turnhout, 1996–2003).

Literature. Kenney §391. — BCLL §700. — C. C. J. Webb, ‘Scotus Erigena, “De divisione naturae”’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society for the systematic study of philosophy, 2 (1894), 121–37. — G. Dräeseke, Johannes Scottus Eriugena und dessen Gewährsmänner in seinem Werke De divisione naturae libri V, Studien zur Geschichte der Theologie und der Kirche, 9.2 (Leipzig, 1902; repr. Aalen, 1972). — Maïeul Cappuyns, Jean Scot Érigène: sa vue, son œuvre, sa pensée (Louvain & Paris, 1933; repr. 1964), 180–216. — Etienne Gilson, History of christian philsophy in the middle ages (London, 1955), 113–28. — F. Copleston, A history of philosophy, ii (London, 1959), 112–35. — I. P. Sheldon-Williams, ‘The title of Eriugena’s Periphyseon’, Studia Patristica, 3 (1961), 297–302=TU 78. — I. P. Sheldon-Williams, ‘Eriugena’s Greek sources’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 1–15. — R. Russell, ‘Some Augustinian influences in Eriugena’s De diuisione naturae’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 31–40. — Guy–H. Allard, ‘La structure littéraire de la composition du De diuisione naturae’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 147–57. — Marta Cristiani, ‘Le problème de lieu et du temps dans le livre Ier du Periphyseon’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 41–8. — Paolo Lucentini, ‘La nuova edizione del Periphyseon dell’Eriugena’, Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 17 (1976), 393–414. — Guy–H. Allard, ‘Quelques remarques sur la “disputationis series” du De diuisione naturae’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 211–24. — Dominic J. O’Meara, ‘L’investigation et les investigateurs dan la De diuisione naturae’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 225–34. — Gangolf Schrimpf, ‘Die Sinnmitte von Periphyseon’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 289–306. — Stephen Gersh, ‘Omnipresence in Eriugena: some reflections on Augustino-Maximian elements in Periphyseon’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen, Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.–30. August 1979, Abhandl. Heidelberger Akad Wiss, phil.-hist. Kl., Jhg 1980, 3. Abhandlung (Heidelberg, 1980), 55–74. — Goulven Madec, ‘Observations sur le dossier augustinien du “Periphyseon”’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen, Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.–30. August 1979, Abhandl. Heidelberger Akad Wiss, phil.-hist. Kl., Jhg 1980, 3. Abhandlung (Heidelberg, 1980), 75–84; repr. in Goulven Madec, Jean Scot et ses auteurs: annotations érigéniennes (Paris, 1988), 63–72. — Brian Stock, ‘In search of Eriugena’s Augustine’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen, Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.–30. August 1979, Abhandl. Heidelberger Akad Wiss, phil.-hist. Kl., Jhg 1980, 3. Abhandlung (Heidelberg, 1980), 85–104. — J. J. O’Meara, ‘“Magnorum virorum quendam consensum uelimus machinari” (804B): Eriugena’s use of Augustine’s De genesi ad litteram in Periphyseon’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen, Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.–30. August 1979, Abhandl. Heidelberger Akad Wiss, phil.-hist. Kl., Jhg 1980, 3. Abhandlung (Heidelberg, 1980), 105–16. — John Marenbon, ‘John Scottus and the “Categoriae decem”’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen, Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.–30. August 1979, Abhandl. Heidelberger Akad Wiss, phil.-hist. Kl., Jhg 1980, 3. Abhandlung (Heidelberg, 1980), 117–34. — Marta Cristiani, ‘L’espace de l’âme: la controverse sur la corporéité des esprits dan le De statu animae du Claudien Mamert et le Periphyseon’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen, Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.–30. August 1979, Abhandl. Heidelberger Akad Wiss, phil.-hist. Kl., Jhg 1980, 3. Abhandlung (Heidelberg, 1980), 149–63. — John Marenbon, ‘A florilegium from the Periphyseon’, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 47 (1980), 271–7. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘Guillaume de Malmesbury, premier éditeur anglais du Periphyseon’, in ‘Sapientiae doctrina’: mélanges de théologie et de littérature médiévales offerts à Dom Hildebrand Bascour OSB (Louvain, 1980), 148–79; repr., with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 489–521. — T. A. M. Bishop, ‘Periphyseon: an episode in the tradition’, Trans Cambridge Bibliograph Soc 7 (1980), 411–26.— Goulven Madec, ‘Le dossier augustinien du Periphyseon’, Recherches augustiniennes, 15 (1980), 241–64; 18 (1983), 183–223; repr. in Goulven Madec, Jean Scot et ses auteurs: annotations érigéniennes (Paris, 1988), 73–137.— Dominic J. O’Meara, ‘The concept of natura in John Scottus Eriugena (De diuisione naturae, book 1)’, Vivarium, 19 (1981), 126–45. — Gangolf Schrimpf, Das Werk des Johannes Scottus Eriugena im Rahmen des Wissenschaftsverständnisses seiner Zeit: eine Hinführung zu Periphyseon, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, NF, 23, (Münster, 1982). — T. A. M. Bishop, ‘Periphyseon: the descent of the uncompleted copy’, in D. Whitelock, R. McKitterick & D. Dumville (eds.), Ireland in early mediaeval Europe: studies in memory of Kathleen Hughes (Cambridge, 1982), 281–304. — Felix Heinzer, ‘Zu einem unbeachteten Maximuszitat im Periphyseon des Johannes Scottus Eriugena’, Traditio, 40 (1984), 300–6. — J. Adolfo Arias Muñoz, ‘El sentido metafísico del “De divisione naturae’ de J. Escoto Eriugena’, Anales de seminario de historia de la filosofía, 5 (1985), 145–71. — C. Steel, ‘La création de l’univers selon Jean Scot Érigène’, in Christian Wenin (ed.), L’homme et son univers au moyen âge, 2 vols. (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1986), i 205–10. — Paul Dietrich & Donald F. Duclow, ‘Virgins in paradise: deification and exegsis in «Periphyseon V»’, in Guy–H. Allard (ed.), Jean Scot écrivain: actes du IVe colloque international, Cahiers d’études médiévales, Cahier spécial, 1 (Montreal & Paris, 1986), 29–49. — Diane Desroutiers-Bonin, ‘Étude des radicaux et de leur répartition dans le dialogue du «Periphyseon», in Guy–H. Allard (ed.), Jean Scot écrivain: actes du IVe colloque international, Cahiers d’études médiévales, Cahier spécial, 1 (Montreal & Paris, 1986), 311–25. — Gilles Touchette, ‘L’affixation dans le «Periphyseon»: analyse générale et étude d’un cas type’, in Guy–H. Allard (ed.), Jean Scot écrivain: actes du IVe colloque international, Cahiers d’études médiévales, Cahier spécial, 1 (Montreal & Paris, 1986), 327–41. — Christine Coallier, ‘Le vocabulaire des arts libéraux dane le «Periphyseon»’, in Guy–H. Allard (ed.), Jean Scot écrivain: actes du IVe colloque international, Cahiers d’études médiévales, Cahier spécial, 1 (Montreal & Paris, 1986), 343–60. — L. Smith, ‘The manuscript tradition of Periphyseon, book 4’, in Claudio Leonardi & Enrico Menestò (eds.), Giovanni Scoto nel suo tempo: l’organizzazione del sapere in età carolingia, Atti dei Convegni dell’ Accademia Tudertina e del Centro di studi sulla spiritualità medievale, nuova ser., 1 (Spoleto, 1989), 499–512. — Marta Cristiani, ‘“Mysticus Moses”: escatologia ed Esodo ne “Periphyseon” di Giovanni Scoto’, Cristianesimo nella storia, 10 (1989), 467–84. — Gangolf Schrimpf, ‘Der Begriff des Elements in Periphyseon III’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Begriff und Metapher: Sprachform des Denkens bei Eriugena, Vorträge des VII. Int Eriugena-Colloquiums, Werner-Reimers-Stiftung, Bad Homburg 26.–29. Juli 1989, Jhg 1990, Abhandl. 3 (Heidelberg, 1990), 65–79. — Guy–H. Allard, ‘Medietas chez Jean Scot’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Begriff und Metapher: Sprachform des Denkens bei Eriugena, Vorträge des VII. Int Eriugena-Colloquiums, Werner-Reimers-Stiftung, Bad Homburg 26.–29. Juli 1989, Jhg 1990, Abhandl. 3 (Heidelberg, 1990), 95–107. — Stephen Grsch, ‘The structure of the Return in Eriugena’s Periphyseon’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Begriff und Metapher: Sprachform des Denkens bei Eriugena, Vorträge des VII. Int Eriugena-Colloquiums, Werner-Reimers-Stiftung, Bad Homburg 26.–29. Juli 1989, Jhg 1990, Abhandl. 3 (Heidelberg, 1990), 108–25. — Willemien Otten, ‘The interplay of nature and man in the “Periphyseon” of Johannes Scottus Eriugena’, Vivarium, 28 (1990), 1–16. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘The Neoplatonic themes of processio and reditus in Eriugena’, Dionysius, 15 (1991), 3–29. — Willemien Otten & A. J. Vanderjagt, The anthropology of Johannes Scottus Eriugena, Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, 20 (Leiden, 1991). — Aidan Breen, ‘Iohannes Scottus, Periphyseon: the problem of an edition’, Proc Roy Ir Acad (C), 91 (Dublin, 1991), 21–40. — Dermot Moran, ‘Time, space, and matter in the Periphyseon’, in F. O’Rourke (ed.), At the heart of the real (Dublin, 1992), 68–89. — Willemien Otten, ‘Eriugena’s “Periphyseon” and the concept of eastern versus western patristic influence’, in E. A. Livingstone (ed.), Latin authors other than Augustine and his opponents: Nachleben of the Fathers=Studia Patristica, 28 (1993), 217–24. — Willemien Otten, ‘Eriugena’s Periphyseon: a Carolingian contribution to the theological tradition’, in Bernard McGinn & Willemien Otten (eds.), Eriugena: East and West—papers of the Eighth International Colloquium of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, Chicago and Notre Dame, 18–20 October 1991 (Notre Dame IN, 1994), 69–93. — J. C. Marler, ‘Dialectal use of authority in the Periphyseon’, in Bernard McGinn & Willemien Otten (eds.), Eriugena: East and West—papers of the Eighth International Colloquium of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, Chicago and Notre Dame, 18–20 October 1991 (Notre Dame IN, 1994), 95–112. — Giulio d’Onfrio, ‘The concordia of Augustine and Dionysius: towards a hermeneutic of the disagreement of patristic sources in John the Scot’s Periphyseon’, in Bernard McGinn & Willemien Otten (eds.), Eriugena: East and West—papers of the Eighth International Colloquium of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, Chicago and Notre Dame, 18–20 October 1991 (Notre Dame, 1994), 115–40. — Deirdre Carabine, ‘Eriugena’s use of the symbolism of light, cloud, and darkness in the Periphyseon’, in Bernard McGinn & Willemien Otten (eds.), Eriugena: East and West—papers of the Eighth International Colloquium of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, Chicago and Notre Dame, 18–20 October 1991 (Notre Dame IN, 1994), 141–52. — David Howlett, The Celtic Latin tradition of biblical style (Dublin, 1995), 131–2. — Dirk Ansorge, Johannes Scottus Eriguena: Wahrheit als Prozess—eine theologische Interpretation von ‘Periphyseon’ (Innsbruck, 1996). — Édouard Jeauneau & Paul Edward Dutton, The autograph of Eriugena, CC Autographa Medii Aevi, 3 (Turnhout, 1996). — Thomas O’Loughlin, ‘Biblical contradictions in the Periphyseon and the development of Eriugena’s method’, in G. Van Riel, C. Steel & J. McEvoy (eds.), Iohannes Scottus Eriugena: the bible and hermeneutics: proceedings of the ninth international colloquium of the society for the promotion of Eriugenian studies held at Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, June 7–10, 1995, Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, ser. 1, 20 (Louvain, 1996), 103–22. — Deirdre Carabine, ‘Five wise virgins: theosis and return in Periphyseon v’, in G. Van Riel, C. Steel & J. McEvoy (eds.), Iohannes Scottus Eriugena: the bible and hermeneutics: proceedings of the ninth international colloquium of the society for the promotion of Eriugenian studies held at Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, June 7–10, 1995, Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, ser. 1, 20 (Louvain, 1996), 195–207. — Donald F. Duclow, ‘Denial or promise of the Tree of Life? Eriugena, Augustine and Genesis 3:22b’, in G. Van Riel, C. Steel & J. McEvoy (eds.), Iohannes Scottus Eriugena: the bible and hermeneutics: proceedings of the ninth international colloquium of the society for the promotion of Eriugenian studies held at Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, June 7–10, 1995, Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, ser. 1, 20 (Louvain, 1996), 221–38.— Édouard Jeauneau, ‘Artifex scriptura’, in G. Van Riel, C. Steel & J. McEvoy (eds.), Iohannes Scottus Eriugena: the bible and hermeneutics: proceedings of the ninth international colloquium of the society for the promotion of Eriugenian studies held at Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, June 7–10, 1995, Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, ser. 1, 20 (Louvain, 1996), 351–65. — Willemien Otten, ‘Realized eschatology of philosophical idealism: the case of Eriugena’s ‘Periphyseon’, in Jan A. Aertsen (ed.), Eschatologie und Vollendung: eschatologische Perspektiven im Mittelalter, Miscellanea Mediaevalia: Veröffentlichungen des Thomas-Instituts an der Universität Köln, 29 (Berlin) 373–87. — Paul Edward Dutton, ‘Eriugena’s workshop: the making of the Periphyseon in Rheims 875’, in James McEvoy & Michael Dunne (eds.), History and eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and his time: proceedings of the tenth international congress of SPES, Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, ser. 1, 30 (Leuven, 2002), 141–67.

(viii) Expositiones in hierarchiam caelestem Ps-Dionysii (Expositions on the heavenly hierarchy of Ps-Dionysius). AD 865×870

Manuscripts. (i) Douai, B municipale, 202; s. xiim ed; several scribes working in a scriptorium; carefully corrected by a later hand; origin perhaps Reims. This is the only complete manuscript text. — (ii) Paris, BN, nouv. acq. lat. 1490, ff. 88–165; s. x¹; several contemporary hands; origin Cluny.— (iii) Rome, B apostolica vaticana, Vat. lat. 652; s. xiim ed; origin perhaps Saint-Bertin. — (iv) Munich, Staatsbibl., clm 380; s. xiiiin. — (v) Basel, Universitätsb, O IV 34; s. xiii¹; origin Saint-Bertin — (vi) Paris, BN, lat. 17431, ff. 9–149v; s. xiiiin; origin and provenance Saint-Jacques, Paris. — (vii) Arras, B municipale, 65 olim 97; s. xiii, — (viii) Bruges, B publique, 160; s. xiv. — (ix) Munich, Staatsbibl., clm 23456; s. xiii. — (x) Paris, BN, lat. 1619; s. xiii. — (xi) Toulouse, B municipale, 150; s. xiv. — (xii) Rome, B apostolica vaticana, Urb. lat. 63; s. xiii. — (xiii) Rome, B apostolica vaticana, Vat. lat. 176; s. xiv. — (xiv) Rome, B apostolica vaticana, Vat. lat. 177; s. xiv. — (xv) Rome, B apostolica vaticana, Vat. lat. 10651; s. xiii.

Editions. PL 122, 125–266 [from MSS (iii), (iv) and (viii)]. — H. F. Dondaine (ed.), ‘Les “Expositiones super ierarchiam caelestem” de Jean Scot Érigène: texte inédit d’après Douai 202’, Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge, 18 (1950–1), 244–302 [ms (i); part only]. — J. Barbet (ed.), Iohannis Scotti Eriugenae Expositiones in ierarchiam caelestem, CCCM 31 (Turnhout, 1975) [critical edition].

Literature. Kenney §389 (i). — BCLL §701. — G. Théry, ‘Scot Érigène, traducteur de Denys’, Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 6 (1931), 185–280. — G. Théry, ‘Scot Érigène, introducteur de Denys’, New Scholasticism, 7 (1933), 91–108. — Maïeul Cappuyns, Jean Scot Érigène: sa vue, son œuvre, sa pensée (Louvain & Paris, 1933; repr. 1964), 216–21. — H. F. Dondaine, ‘Un inédit de Scot Érigène’, Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques, 34 (1950), 3–8. — H. Weisweiler, ‘Die pseudo-Dionysiuskommentare In caelestem hierarchiam des Skotus Eriugena und Hugos von St. Viktor’, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 19 (1952), 26–47. — J. Barbet, ‘La tradition du texte latin de la Hiérarchie céleste dans les manuscrits des Expositiones in Hierarchiam caelestem’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 89–97. — J. Barbet, ‘Le traitement des Expositiones in Ierarchiam caelestem de Jean Scot par le compilateur du corpus dionysien du XIIIe siècle’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 125–34. — M. de Gandillach, ‘Anges et hommes dans le Commentaire de Jean Scot sur la “Hiérarchie céleste’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 393–404. — Goulven Madec, ‘Le commentaire de la Hiérarchie céleste’, in Goulven Madec, Jean Scot et ses auteurs: annotations érigéniennes (Paris, 1988), 139–45. — Cinzia Arruzza, ‘Ordo e mediazione gerarchica nelle Expositiones in ierarchiam coelestem di Giovanni Scoto Eriugena’, Studi medievali, 44 (2003), 117–46.

(ix) Homilia in prologum sancti evangelii secundum Iohannem (Homily on the prologue to St John’s gospel). AD 870×872

Manuscripts. There are 54 MSS listed in the editions of Jeaneau (pp. 78–120) and Cristiani (pp. 3–6), cited below. No MS is earlier than s. xi; most are s. xii, and many are later. The MSS (apart from Paris B de l’Arsenal, 852, which diverges from the stemma before Class I and II) divide into two classes. Jeauneau used the following thirteen MSS to establish his text: (i) Paris B de l’Arsenal, 852, ff. 88r–106v. Class I. (ii) Florence, B Medicea Laurenziana, Conventi soppressi, 631, ff. 46v–50v; s. xii². — (iii) Vienna, Nationalbibl., lat. 1120, ff. 351r–54v; s. xiii. — (iv) Naples, B nazionale, XII. G. 13, ff. 3r–13r; s. xiii. — (v) Paris, BN, lat. 1920, ff. 85v–90r; s. xiv. — (vi) Oxford, Bodleian L, Canonici Liturgici, 391, ff. 53v–60v; s. xii¹. — (vii) Florence, B Medicea Laurenziana, Pluteus 17.38, ff. 54r–59v; s. xii. — (viii) Avranches, B municipale, 55, ff. 131v–38v; s. xiiex. — (ix) Troyes, B municipale, 890, ff. 126r–37r; s. xii. Class II. (x) New Haven, Yale University L, 137 olim Zaragoza, Seo 17–34, ff. 30v–39r; s. xii. — (xi) Paris, BN, lat. 5302, ff. 67r–73r; s. xii. — (xii) Alençon, B municipale, 149, ff. 175r–182r; s. xii . — (xiii) Cambridge, University L, Ii. II. 19, ff. 174r–89r; s. xii.

Editions & Translations. PL 122, 283–96. — Édouard Jeauneau (ed. & trans.), Jean Scot Érigène: Homélie sur le prologue de Jean, SC 151 (Paris, 1969); introduction repr. as ‘Jean Scot: l’homme et l’œuvre’, with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 13–54. — Solange Bouquet (trans.), L’evangile selon saint Jean expliqué par les Pères: textes choisis (Paris, 1985), 24–49 [translation of the Homily based on the PL text]. — Marta Cristiani (ed. & trans.), Giovanni Scoto: Il prologo di Giovanni, Scrittori greci e latini, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla (Milan, 1987). — J. J. O’Meara (trans.), ‘Homily of John Scot, the translator of the Hierarchy of Dionysius’, in J. J. O’Meara, Eriugena (Oxford, 1988; repr. Oxford, 2002), 158–76.— Wolf Ulrich Klünker, Johannes Scottus Eriugena. Denken im Gespräch mit dem Engel, mit einer Übsersetzung der Homelia zum Prolog des Johannes-Evangeliums, Beiträge zur Bewußtseinsgeschichte, 2 (Stuttgart, 1988) — Agnieszka Kijewska & Wojciech Mohort-Kopaczyski (trans.), ‘Homilia do prologu ewangelii Jana (fragmenty)’, in W Drodze, 9 (1990), 73–80. — Giulio d’Onofrio, ‘Oltre la teologia: per una lettura dell’ «Omelia» di Giovanni Scopto Eriugena sul Prologo del quarto vangelo’, Studi medievali, 31 (1990), 285–356. — Valery V. Petroff (trans.), Ioann Scott Eriugena, Gomilia na prolog Evangeliya ot Ioanna. Vvodnaya stat’ya, perevod i primechaniya (Moscow, 1995) [Jeaneau’s Latin text; translation into Russian with foreword and notes]. — C. Bamford (trans.), Homilia in prologum sancti evangelii secundum Joannem: The voice of the eagle: John Scotus Eriugena’s Homily on the prologue of the Gospel of St John (Great Barrington MA, 2000).

Literature. Kenney §394. — BCLL §702. — Kelly §94. — Maïeul Cappuyns, Jean Scot Érigène: sa vue, son œuvre, sa pensée (Louvain & Paris, 1933; repr. 1964), 222–32. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘Dans le sillage de l’Érigène: une homélie d’Héric d’Auxerre sur le Prologue de Jean’, Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 11 (1970), 937–55; repr., with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 537–57. — Kurt Ruh, ‘Die Homilie über den Prolog des Johannes-Evangelium des Johannes Eriugena’, in Klaus Wittstadt (ed.), St Kilian: 1300 Jahre Martyrium des Frankenapostel, Würzburger Diözesangeschichtsblätter, 51 (Würzburg, 1989), 491–500.

(x) Commentum in s. evangelium secundum Johannem (Commentary on the gospel of St John). AD 875×877.

Manuscript. Laon, B municipale, 81, ff. 1–47v; s. ix; origin probably the palace school; provenance Notre-Dame de Laon. Caroline minuscule, written by several scribes, with corrections and additions in a distinctive Irish hand; some by Eriugena himself, some by an Irish colleague. The text is lacunose and imperfect.

Editions. Félix Ravaisson, ‘Joannis Scoti Erigenae commentarius in evangelium secundum Johannem’, in his Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques des départements, i (Paris, 1849), 503–68. — PL 122, 297–348 (a reprint of Ravaissson, with added notes and corrections). — Édouard Jeauneau (ed. & trans.), Jean Scot, Commentaire sur l’évangile de Jean, SC 180 (Paris, 1972); repr. with corrections & additions (Paris, 1999).

Literature. Kenney §395. — Manitius, i 327. — BCLL §703. — Kelly §95. — E. Nestle, ‘Scotus Erigena on Greek manuscripts of the fourth gospel’, J Theol Stud 13 (1916), 596–7. — Maïeul Cappuyns, Jean Scot Érigène: sa vue, son œuvre, sa pensée (Louvain & Paris, 1933; repr. 1964), 222–32. — J. Pépin, ‘Mysteria et symbola dans le commentaire de Jean Scot sur l’évangile de saint Jean’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 16–30. — Ludwig Bieler, ‘Observations on Eriugena’s “Commentary on the gospel of John”: a second harvest’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 235–42. — A. Kijewska, ‘The Eriugenian concept of theology: John the evangelist as the model theologian’, in G. Van Riel, C. Steel & J. McEvoy (eds.), Iohannes Scottus Eriugena: the bible and hermeneutics: proceedings of the ninth international colloquium of the society for the promotion of Eriugenian studies held at Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, June 7–10, 1995, Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, ser. 1, 20 (Louvain, 1996), 173–93.

(xi) Annotationes in Martianum (Annotations on Martianus Capella). AD 859×860.

Manuscripts. Paris, BN, lat. 12960, ff. 47–115; s. ix¹; origin Corbie. — (ii) Leiden, Universiteitsbibl., BPL 87; s. ix.

Edition. C. E. Lutz (ed.), Iohannis Scotti Annotationes in Marcianum (Cambridge MA, 1939; repr. New York, 1970) [from Paris, BN, lat. 12960]. Perhaps the earliest commentary on Martianus.

Literature. Kenney §379. — Manitius, i 335–7. — BCLL §§704 (i). — B. Hauréau, ‘Commentaire de Jean Scot Érigène sur Martianus Capella’, Notices et extraits 20 (Paris, 1862), 1–39. — Max Manitius, ‘Zu Dunchads und Iohannes Scottus’ Martiankommentar’, Didaskaleion, 1 (1912), 138–72. — Max Manitius, ‘Zu Iohannes Scottus und Remigius’, Didaskaleion, 2 (1913), 43–48. — M. L. W. Laistner, ‘Martianus Capella and his ninth-century commentators’, Bull John Rylands Libr 9 (1925), 130–8. — Maïeul Cappuyns, Jean Scot Érigène: sa vue, son œuvre, sa pensée (Louvain & Paris, 1933; repr. 1964), 75–6. — E. von Ehrhardt-Siebold & R. von Ehrhardt, The astronomy of Johannes Scottus Eriugena (Baltimore MD, 1940). — E. von Ehrhardt-Siebold & R. von Ehrhardt, Cosmology in the Annotationes ad Marcianum (Baltimore MD, 1940). — E. K. Rand, ‘How much of the Annotationes in Marcianum is the work of John the Scot?’, Trans & Proc Am Philol Assoc 71 (1940), 501–23. — Cornelia C. Coulter (review of Lutz, Iohannis Scotti Annotationes in Marcianum), Am Hist Rev 46 (1940–1), 109–11. — Cornelia C. Coulter, ‘The date of John the Scot’s Annotationes in Marcianum’, Speculum, 16 (1941), 487–8. — Claudio Leonardi, ‘Nota introduttiva per un’indagine sulla fortuna de Marziano Capella nel medioevo’, Bolletino dell’Instituto italiano per il medio evo, 67 (1955), 265–88. — P. Jones, The glosses De musica of John Scottus Eriugena in the MS. lat. 12960 of the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (Rome, 1957). — Claudio Leonardi, ‘I codici di Marziano Capella’, Aevum, 33 (1959), 443–89; 34 (1960), 1–99, 411–524. — H. Liebeschütz, ‘Zur Geschichte der Erklärung des Martianus Capella bei Eriugena’, Philologus, 104 (1960), 127–37. — Cora E. Lutz, ‘Martianus Capella’, in Catalogus translationum et commentariorum, ii, ed. Paul O. Kristeller & F. E. Cranz (Washington DC, 1971), 367–71.— H. Liebeschütz, ‘The place of the Martianus Glossae in the development of Eriugena’s thought’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 49–58. — Gangolf Schrimpf, ‘Zur Frage der Authentizität unserer Texte von Johannes Scottus’ Annotationes in Martianum’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 125–39. — Claudio Leonardi, ‘I commenti altomedievali ai classici pagani: da Severino Boezio a Remigio d’Auxerre’,in La cultura antica nell’ Occidente latino dal VII all’XI secola, Settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo, 22 (1975), 459–508. — Édouard Jeanneau, ‘L’heritage de la philosophie antique durant le haut moyen âge’ in La cultura antica nell’Occidente latino dal VII all’XI secola, Settimane di Studio de Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medio evo, 22 (Spoleto, 1975), 17–54; repr., with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 133–72. — Claudio Leonardi, ‘Glosse eriugeniane a Marziano Capella in un codice leidense’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Actes des colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 171–82. — Gangolf Schrimpf, ‘Johannes Scottus und die Rezeption des Martianus Capella im karolingischen Bildungswesen’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen, Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.–30. August 1979, Abhandl. Heidelberger Akad Wiss, phil.-hist. Kl., Jhg 1980, 3. Abhandlung (Heidelberg, 1980), 135–48. — Marie– Elisabeth Duchez, ‘Jean Scot Érigène: premier lecteur du De institutione musica de Boèce’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen, Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.–30. August 1979, Abhandl. Heidelberger Akad Wiss, phil.-hist. Kl., Jhg 1980, 3. Abhandlung (Heidelberg, 1980), 165–87. — Claudio Leonardi, ‘Martianus Capella et Jean Scot: nouvelle présentation d’un vieux problème’, in Guy–H. Allard (ed.), Jean Scot écrivain: actes du IVe colloque international, Montréal, 28 August2 September 1983, Cahiers d’études médiévales, cahier spécial, 1 (Montreal, 1986), 187–207. — Michael W. Herren, ‘The commentary on Martianus attributed to John Scottus: its Hiberno-Latin background’, in Guy–H. Allard (ed.), Jean Scot écrivain: actes du IVe colloque international, Montréal, 28 August2 September 1983, Cahiers d’études médiévales, cahier spécial, 1 (Montreal, 1986), 265–86; repr. in Michael W. Herren, Latin letters in early christian Ireland (Aldershot, 1996).

(xii) Glosses to Book I of De nuptiis of Martianus Capella.

Manuscript. Oxford, Bodleian L, Auct. T.2.19, ff. 1–31; s. ix²; origin north-eastern France.

Edition. Édouard Jeauneau (ed.), ‘Le commentaire érigénien sur Martianus Capella (De nuptiis, Lib. 1) d’après le manuscrit d’Oxford (Bodl. Libr. Auct. T. 2. 19. fol. 1–31)’, in Édouard Jeauneau, Quatres thémes érigéniens, Conférence Albert Le Grand 1974 (Montreal & Paris, 1978), 91–166.

Literature. BCLL §705. — Lotte Labowsky, ‘A new version of Scotus Eriugena’s Commenary on Martianus Capella’, Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies, 1 (1941–3), 189–93. — Claudio Leonardi, ‘I codici di Marziano Capella’, Aevum, 33 (1959), 443–89; 34 (1960), 1–99, 411–524 [additional commentaries of Eriugena on Martianus Capella]. — H. Liebeschütz, ‘The place of Martinus’s Glossae in the development of Eriugena’s thought’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 49–57. — J. G. Préaux, ‘Jean Scot et Martin de Laon en face du De nuptiis de Martianus Capella’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 161–70. — Édouard Jeauneau, Quatres thémes érigéniens, Conférence Albert Le Grand 1974 (Montreal & Paris, 1978), 91–9. — Gangolf Schrimpf, ‘Johannes Scottus und die Rezeption des Martianus Capella im karolingischen Bildungswesen’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen, Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.–30. August 1979, Abhandl. Heidelberger Akad Wiss, phil.-hist. Kl., Jhg 1980, 3. Abhandlung (Heidelberg, 1980), 135–48. — Claudio Leonardi, ‘Martianus Capella et Jean Scot: nouvelle présentation d’un vieux problème’, in Guy–H. Allard (ed.), Jean Scot écrivain: actes du IVe colloque international, Cahiers d’études médiévales, Cahier spécial, 1 (Montreal & Paris, 1986), 187–207. See also section (xi) above.

(xiii) Glosses to Book IX of De nuptiis of Martianus Capella.

Manuscript. Leiden, Universiteitsbibl., BPL 88, ff. 168–81; s. ix²; origin Reims.

Literature. BCLL §706. — Claudio Leonardi, ‘Glose eriugeniane a Marziano Capella in un codice Leidense’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 171–82. See also sections (xi–xii) above.

(xiv) Carmina. AD 850×877

Manuscripts. (i) Rome, B apostolica vaticana, Reg. lat. 1587, ff. 57r–64v+Reg. lat. 1709, ff. 16v–18r; s. ix2/3.; origin probably Fleury. — (ii) Laon, B municipale, 444; s. ix² (AD 870×875; origin Laon; scribe Martinus Hiberniensis. — (iii) Rome, B apostolica vaticana, Reg. lat. 1625, ff. 65r–66v; s. ixex+Paris, BN, lat. 10307, f. 246v. — (iv) Paris, BN, lat. 12949, f. 24r; s. ix/x [fragment of poem 8]. — (v) Paris, BN, lat. 10307, f. 95r; s. ixex [fragment of poem 8]. — (vi) Berlin, Staatsbibl., 46 olim Phillipps 1668, ff. 3v, 6r; s. x [preface poems to Ps-Dionysius]. — (vii) Florence, B Laurenziana, ff. 2r, 3v; s. xiex [preface poems to Ps-Dionysius]. — (viii), Munich, Staatsbibl., clm 14137, ff. 1r, 4v–5r; s. xi [preface poems to Ps-Dionysius]. — (ix) Bamberg, Staatsbibl., Patr. 66B olim B.IV.8, ff. 1r, 4r; d. xi [preface poems to Ps-Dionysius]. — (x) Paris, B de l’Arsenal, 237, 7r–8v; s. ixex [preface poems to Ambigua]. — (xi) Paris, B Mazarine, 561, ff. 6r–7v; s. ixex [preface poems to Ambigua]. — (xii) Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 223, pp. 342–4; s. ix/x [codex unicus of ‘Aulae sidereae’]. Other poems that may be by Eriugena occur in some ten other MSS: see Herren, 21–4, 56 (below).

Editions & Translations. Angelo Mai, Classici auctores e codicibus Vaticanis edita, 5 vols. (Rome, 1833–8), v 426–48. — PL 122, 1221–40. — E. Miller, ‘Glossaire grec-latin de la bibliothèque de Laon’, Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale et autres bibliothèques, 29/2 (1880), 194–200 [graeca only]. — L. Traube (ed.), MGH PLAC, iii 518–56. — Michel Foussard, ‘Aulae sidereae: vers de Jean Scot au roi Charles’, Cahiers archéologiques, 21 (1971), 79–88. — Francisco Socas & J. A. Antón Pacheco (trans.), ‘Juan Escoto Erigena ‘Aulae sidereae’, in Er. Rivista de filosofia, 2 (1986), 129–34. — Michael W. Herren (ed. & trans.), Iohannis Scotti Eriugenae Carmina, SLH 12 (Dublin, 1993) [critical edition including dubia].

Literature. Kenney §397. — BCLL §707. — Manitius, i 332. —Paul Lehmann, ‘Mitteilungen aus Handschriften, II’, Sitz-Ber. Bayer Akad Wiss, philol.-hist. Kl, Jahrg. 1930, ii 1–47: 18–20. — Claudio Leonardi, ‘Nuove voce poetiche fra secolo IX e XI’, Studi medievali, 3rd ser., 2 (1961), 139–68: 141–52. — G. Bernt, Das lateinische Epigramm im Übergang von der Spätantike zum frühen Mittelalter (Munich, 1968), 279–86. — M. Foussard, ‘Aulae sidereae: vers de Jean Scot au roi Charles’, Cahiers archéologiques, 21 (1971), 79–88. — John J. Contreni, ‘A propos de quelques manuscrits de l’école de Laon au IXe siècle’, Le moyen âge, 78 (1972), 5–39: 9–14. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘Les écoles de Laon et d’Auxerre au IXe siècle’, in La scuola nell’Occidente latino dell’alto medioevo, Settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo, 19 (Spoleto, 1972), 495–522, 555–60; repr., with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeaneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 57–84. — P. Dronke, ‘Theologia veluti quaedam poetria: quelques observations sur la function des images poétiques chez Jean Scot’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Actes des colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 243–52. — Michael Lapidge, ‘L’influence stylistique de la poésie de Jean Scot’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 441–52. — John J. Contreni, The cathedral school of Laon from 850 to 930: its manuscripts and masters, Münchener Beiträge zur Mediävistik und Renaissance-Forschung, 29 (Munich, 1978), 86, 89–90, 120. — Paul Edward Dutton & Édouard Jeauneau, ‘The verses of the “Codex Aureus” of Saint-Emmeram’, Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 24 (1983), 75–120; repr., with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 591–638. — Paul Edward Dutton, ‘Eriugena the royal poet’, in Guy–H. Allard (ed.), Jean Scot écrivain: actes du IVe colloque international, Cahiers d’études médiévales, Cahier spécial, 1 (Montreal & Paris, 1986), 51–80. — Peter Godman, Poets and emperors: Frankish politics and Carolingian poetry (Oxford, 1987), 169–73. — Michael W. Herren, ‘Eriugena’s “Aulæ sidereæ”, the “Codex Aureus”, and the Palatine Church of St Mary at Compiègne’, Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 28 (1987), 593–608. — Gustavo A. Piemonte, ‘Acotaciones sobre algunos poemas de Eriugena’, Patristica & Medievalia, 10 (1989), 21–48; 11 (1990), 27–67. — Michael W. Herren, ‘Gli ebrei nella cultura letteraria al tempo di Carlo il Calvo’, in Claudio Leonardi & Enrico Menestò (eds.), Giovanni Scoto nel suo tempo: l’organizzazione del sapere in età carolingia, Atti dei Convegni dell’Accademia Tudertina e del Centro di studi sulla spiritualità medievale, nuova ser., 1 (Spoleto, 1989), 537–52, esp. 549–52. — Michael W. Herren, ‘St Gall 48: a copy of Eriugena’s glossed Greek gospels’, in G. Bernt, F. Rädle & G. Silagi (eds.), Tradition und Wertung: Festschrift für Franz Brunhölzl (Sigmaringen, 1989), 97–106; repr. in Michael W. Herren, Latin letters in early christian Ireland (Aldershot, 1996). — Michael W. Herren, ‘Johannes Scotus poeta’, in F. X. Martin & J. A. Richmond (eds.), From Augustine to Eriugena: essays on Neoplatonism and christianity in honour of John O’Meara (Washington DC, 1991), 92–106. — Michael W. Herren, ‘John Scottus and the biblical manuscripts attributed to the circle of Sedulius’, in G. Van Riel, C. Steel & J. McEvoy (eds.), Iohannes Scottus Eriugena: the bible and hermeneutics: proceedings of the ninth international colloquium of the society for the promotion of Eriugenian studies held at Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, June 7–10, 1995, Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, ser. 1, 20 (Louvain, 1996), 303–20, esp. 306–10. — Olivier Szerwiniack (review of Herren, Iohannis Scotti Eriugenae Carmina), Études Celtiques, 32 (1996), 285–8. — Jean-Michel Picard (review of Herren, Johannis Scotti Eriugenae Carmina), Éigse, 29 (1996), 208–12. — Valery V. Petroff, ‘The De templo of Bede as the source of an ideal temple description in Eriugena’s Aulae sidereae’, Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales, 65 (1998), 97–106. — Valery V. Petroff, ‘Epilog “Aulae sidereae” Ioanna Skotta (vv. 72–101) i predshestvuyuschaya poeticheskaya traditsiya”, Dialog so vremenem, Almanakh intellektual’noy istorii, 1 (Moscow, 1999), 45–59. — Olivier Szerwiniack, ‘Liste provisoire des manuscrits contenant les poèmes Hanc libam et Lumine sidereo de Jean Scot Érigène’, Scriptorium, 54 (2000), 87–91.

(xv) Glossae biblicae, i.

Manuscript. Paris, B Mazarine, 561, f. 220v; s. ixm ed; origin Saint-Médard de Soissons.

Edition. Édouard Jeauneau (ed.), ‘Quisquiliae e Mazarinaeo codice 561 depromptae’, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 45 (1978), 79–129: 103–4; repr., with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 435–87: 461–2.

Literature. BCLL §709. — Kelly §17.

(xvi) Glossae biblicae, .IOH. al. Glossae divinae historiae

Manuscripts. (i) Paris, BN, lat. 3088, ff. 108–21; s. ix (AD 845–82); origin probably Reims. Glossae divinae historia occurs on ff.110v–115v. — (ii) Rome, B apostolica vaticana, Reg. lat. 1461, ff. 88r–106r; s. ix² (AD 876/7); origin uncertain, possibly Tours, Laon or Limoges. — (iii) Bern, Burgerb, 258, ff. 16va–19ra; probably s. x; origin perhaps Fleury. — (iv) Paris, BN, lat. 1248; s. xi¹; origin St Martial in Limoges. — (v) Paris, BN, lat. 1977, ff. 63r–65v; s. xiiex/xiiiin.

Editions. Whitley Stokes (ed. & trans.), ‘The Old-Irish glosses in Regina Nr. 215’, Z Vergleich Sprachforsch 30 (1889), 555–61 [glosses in Rome, B apostolica vaticana, Reg. lat. 215]. — Bruno Güterbock, ‘Aus irischen Handschriften in Turin und Rom’, Z Vergleich Sprachforsch 33 (1895), 86–105: 103–5 [edition of Irish glosses with commentary]. — TP i 1–2. — Pierre-Yves Lambert (ed.), ‘Les gloses biblique de Jean Scot: L’élement vieil-irlandais’, Études Celtiques, 22 (1985), 205–24; 24 (1987) 326–7. — John J. Contreni & Pádraig P. Ó Néill (eds. & trans.), Glossae divinae historiae: the biblical glosses of John Scottus Eriugena, Millenio medievale 1, Testi, 1 (Florence, 1997) [critical edition, based on all the MSS]

Literature. Kenney §396. — BCLL §710. — Kelly §17. — J. J. Contreni, ‘The biblical glosses of Haimo of Auxerre and John Scottus Eriugena’, Speculum, 51 (1976), 411–34. — Pádraig P. Ó Néill, ‘The Old-Irish words in Eriugena’s biblical glosses’, in Guy–H. Allard (ed.), Jean Scot écrivain: actes du IVe colloque international, Montréal, 28 August2 September 1983, Cahiers d’études médiévales, cahier spécial 1 (Montreal, 1986), 287–97.

(xvii) Excerpts from Macrobius, De differentiis et societatibus graeci latinique uerbi. The explicuit reads: ‘defloratio de libro ambrosii macrobii theodosii quam johannes carpserat ad discendas grecorum uerborum regulas’.

Manuscripts. (i) Paris, BN, lat. 7186, ff. 42–56; s. ix. — (ii) Laon, B municipale, 444; s. ix² (AD 870×875); origin Laon; scribe Martinus Hiberniensis [excerpts]. — (iii) Naples, B nazionale, IV. A. 17

Edition. H. Keil, Grammatici latini, 6 vols. (Leipzig, 1857–80; repr. Hildesheim, 1961), v 595–630.

Literature. Kenney §378. — Manitius, i 338. — BCLL §711. — H. Silvestre, ‘Notes sur la survie de Macrobe au moyen âge’, Classica & Mediaevalia, 24 (1963), 170–80. — I. P. Sheldon-Williams, ‘A list of the works doubtfully or wrongfully attributed to Johannes Scotus Eriugena’, J Ecclesiast Hist 15 (1964), 76–98. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘Jean Scot Érigène et le grec’, Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aeui, 41 (1979), 5–50: 34; repr., with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 85–132: 116 [not the work of Eriugena, according to Jeauneau]. — Michael W. Herren, ‘Classical and secular learning among the Irish before the Carolingian renaissance’, Florilegium, 3 (Ottawa, 1981), 118–57; repr. in Michael W. Herren, Latin letters in early christian Ireland (Aldershot 1996). — Paolo de Paolis (ed.), Macrobii Theodosii de verborum Graeci et Latini differentiis uel societatibus excerpta, Testi grammaticali latini, 1 (Urbino, 1990).

(xviii) Glosses and notes on Vergil and other classical Latin poets.

Not edited.

Manuscripts. (i) Bern, Burgerb, 165. — (ii) Bern, Burgerb, 363; s. ix; etc.

Literature. BCLL §712. — J. J. Savage, ‘The scholia in the Virgil of Tours, Bernesis 165’, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 36 (1925), 91–164. — J. J. Savage, ‘A note by Johannes Scotus in Bernensis 363?’, Scriptorium, 10 (1956), 177–81. — J. J. Savage, ‘Two notes on Johannes Scotus: i. More on Johannes Scotus in Bernensis, 363; ii. The corrector Hibernicus in the codex oblongus of Lucretius’, Scriptorium, 12 (1958), 228–37. — Paul Lehmann, ‘Von Quellen und Autoritäten irisch-lateinischer Texte’, in Paul Lehmann, Erforschung des Mittelalters, 5 vols. (Stuttgart, 1959–62), iii 143–8. — John J. Contreni, ‘The Irish in the western Carolingian Empire (according to James F. Kenney and Berne, Burgerbib, 363)’, in Heinz Löwe (ed.), Die Iren und Europa im früheren Mittelalter (Stuttgart, 1982), 758–98.

(xix) Glosses and notes on Prudentius

Manuscripts. (i) Paris, BN, lat. 13953; s. x. — (ii) Rome, B apostolica vaticana, Pal. lat. 235; s. xiin

Edition. J. N. Burnam (ed.), Glossemata de Prudentio, edited from the Paris and Vatican manuscripts, University Studies of the University of Cincinnati, i 4 (Cincinnati OH, 1905).

Literature. BCLL §713. — Maïeul Cappuyns, ‘Jean Scot Érigène: commentateur de Prudence’, Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 7 (1954–7), 657. — H. Silvestre, ‘Jean Scot Érigène: commentateur de Prudence’, Scriptorium, 10 (1956), 90–2. — H. Silvestre, ‘Aperçu sur les commentaires carolingiens de Prudence’, Sacris Erudiri, 9 (1957), 50–74, 398. — Sinéad O’Sullivan, Early medieval glosses on Prudentius’ Psychomachia: the Weitz tradition, Mittellateinische Studien und Texte, 31 (Leiden, 2004), 29.

General bibliography. Kenney §§378–407. — BCLL §§695–713. — Manitius, i 323–39. — DTC v 401–34. — Franz Anton Staudenmaier, Johannes Scotus Erigena und die Wissenschaft seiner Zeit, mit allgemeinen Entwicklungen der Hauptwahrheiten auf dem Gebiete der Philosophie und Religion, und Grundzügen zu einer Geschichte der speculativen Theologie, i [all published] (Frankfurt, 1834; repr. Frankfurt, 1966). — M. Saint-René Taillandier, Scot Érigène et la philosophie scholastique (Strasbourg, 1843). — N. Möller, Johannes Scotus Erigena und seine Irrtümer (Mainz, 1844). — Theodore Christlieb, Leben und Lehre des Johannes Scotus Erigena in ihrem Zusammenhang mit der vorhergehenden und unter Angabe ihrer Berührungspuncte mit der neueren Philosophie und Theologie (Gotha, 1860). — J. Huber, Johannes Scotus Erigena: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie im Mittelalter (Munich, 1861; repr. Hildesheim, 1960). — O. Hermens, Das Leben des Johannes Skotus Erigena (Jena, 1868). — H. Rähse, Über des Johannes Erigenas Stellung zur mittelalterlichen Scholastik und Mystik (Rostock, 1874). — Alfred Nutt in Kuno Meyer & Alfred Nutt, The voyage of Bran son of Febal to the Land of the Living , 2 vols. (London 1895–7), ii 102–7, 137 [‘Erigena’s pantheism’]. — L. Noack, Johannes Scotus Erigena: sein Leben und seine Schriften. Die Wissenschaft und Bildung seiner Zeit (Leipzig, 1876). Theodore Wotschke, Fichte und Erigena (Halle, 1896). — Aleksandr I. Brilliantov, Vliyanie vostochnogo bogosloviya na zapadnoe v proizvedeniyakh Ioanna Skota Erigeny [The influence of Eastern theology upon Western in the writings of John Scottus Eriugena (St Petersburg, 1898; repr. Moscow, 1998). — A. Schmitt, ‘Zwei noch unbenützte Handschriften des Joannes Scotus Eriugena’, in Programm des k. neuen Gymnasiums in Bamberg für das Schuljahr 1899–1900 (Bamberg, 1900). — A. Gardner, Studies in John the Scot (Erigena): a philosopher of the dark ages (London, 1900). — J. Dräsecke, ‘Zu Johannes Scottus Erigena’, , Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Theologie, 46 (1903), 563–80. — J. Dräsecke, ‘Zu Scotus Erigena: Bermerkungen und Mitteilungen’, Z wissenschaftliche Theologie 47 (1904), 121–30. — E. K. Rand, Johannes Scottus, Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters, 1, 2 (Munich, 1906). — P. Baldini, ‘Scoto Eriugena e la filosofia religiosa nel IXo secolo’, Rivista storica e critica delle scienze teologiche, 2 (1906), 413–31 — J. Dräsecke, ‘Zur Frage nach dem Einfluss des Johannes Scotus Erigena’, Z für wissenschaftliche Theologie 50 (1907), 323–47. — M. Jacquin, ‘Le néoplatonisme de Jean Scot Érigène’, Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques, 1 (1907), 674–85. — M. Jacquin, ‘Le rationalisme de Jean Scot’, Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques, 2 (1908), 747–8. — W. Heinrich, Eriugena und Spinoza (Cracow, 1909). — Max Manitius, ‘Zu Johannes Scottus und zur Bibliothek Fuldas’, Neues Archiv, 34 (1909), 759–62. — W. Turner, ‘Was John the Scot a heretic?’, Ir Theol Q 5 (1910), 391–401. — M. Jacquin, ‘L’influence doctrinale de Jean Scot au début du XIIIe siècle’, Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques, 4 (1910), 104–6. — Ludwig Traube, Palaeographische Forschungen, v: Autographa des Iohannes Scottus (ed. E. K. Rand), Abhandl. K Bay Akad Wiss, philosoph.-philol. Kl., 36.1 (Munich, 1912). — J. Dräsecke, ‘Zum Neoplatonismus Erigenas’, Z Kirchengesch 33 (1912), 73–84. — J. Dräsecke, ‘Zu Johannes Scotus Erigena’, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 27 (1914), 428–48. — J. 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Théry, ‘Inauthenticité du commentaire de la théologie mystique attribué à Jean Scot Erigène’, La vie spirituelle, 3 (1922), 137–53. — M. L. W. Laistner, ‘The revival of Greek in Western Europe in the Carolingian age’, History, 9 (1924), 177–87. — W. Betzendörfer, ‘Glauben und Wissen bei Joannes Scotus Eriugena’, Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie, 2 (1924), 732–47; repr. in Glauben und Wissen bei den grossen Denkern des Mittelalters (Gotha, 1931). — H. Doerries, Zur Geschichte der Mystik—Erigena und der Neo-platonismus (Tübingen, 1925). — Henry Bett, Johannes Scotus Erigena: a study in medieval philosophy (Cambridge, 1925; repr. New York, 1964). — J. Handschin, ‘Die Musikanschauung des Johannes Scotus (Eriugèna)’, Deutsche Vierteljahrschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte, 5 (1927), 316–41. — M. Techert, ‘Le plotinisme dans le systéme de Jean Scot Érigène’, Revue néo-scolastique de philosophie, 28 (1927), 28–68. — Clodomiro Albanese, Il pensiero di Giovanni Eriugena (Messina, 1929). — K. Samstag, Die Dialektik des Johannes Skottus Eriugena (Wertheim, 1930). — Paul Kletler, Johannes Eriugena: eine Untersuchung über die Entstehung der mittelalterlichen Geistigkeit, Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, 49 (Leipzig, 1931; repr. Hildesheim, 1971). — W. Seul, Die Gotteserkenntnis bei Johannes Skotus Eriugena unter Berücksichtigung ihrer neuplatonischen und augustinischen Elemente (Bonn, 1932). — Maïeul Cappuyns, Jean Scot Érigène: sa vue, son œuvre, sa pensée (Louvain & Paris, 1933; repr. 1964). — E. K. Rand, ‘The supposed commentary of John the Scot on the Opucula sacra of Boethius’, Revue néoscholastique de philosophie, 36 (1934), 67–77. — D. S. Nerney, ‘Iohannes Scottus Eriugena’, Studies (Dublin), 24 (1935), 415–32. — W. N. 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Yates, ‘Ramon Lull and John Scotus Eriugena’, J Warburg Courtauld Inst 23 (1960), 1–44. — Gerard Mathon, ‘Jean Scot Erigène, Chalcidius, et le problème de l’âme universelle’, L’Homme et son destin d’après les penseurs du moyen âge, Actes du premier congrès international d philosophie médiévale (Louvain & Paris, 1960). — Claudio Leonardi, ‘Nuove voci poetiche tra secolo IX e XI’, Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 2 (1961), 147–55 [verse attributed to Eriugena]. — Gisela Kaldenbach, Die Kosmologie des Johannes Scottus Eriugena: Versuch einer Interpretation seines philosophischen Hauptwerkes, De divisione naturae libri V, unter kosmologischem Grundaspekt (Munich, 1963). — Tullio Gregory, ‘Note sulla dottrina della “teofanie” in Giovanni Scoto Eriugena’, Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 4 (1963), 75–91. — Tullio Gregory, Giovanni Scoto Eriugena: tre studi, Quaderni di Letterature e d’Arte, 21 (Florence 1963). — René Roques, ‘Jean Scot Erigène’, in Dictionnaire des lettres françaises: le moyen âge (Paris, 1964), 429–32. — I. P. Sheldon-Williams, ‘A list of the works doubtfully or wrongfully attributed to Johannes Scotus Eriugena’, J Ecclesiast Hist 15 (1964), 76–98. — W. Beierwaltes, ‘Das Problem des absoluten Selbstbewußtseins bei Johannes Scottus Eriugena (Divina ignorantia summa ac vera est sapientia)’, Philosoph Jahrb 73 (1966), 264–84. — Maïeul Cappuyns, ‘Les Bibli Vulfadi et Jean Scot Érigène’, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médievale, 33 (1966), 137–9. — B. Bosnjack, ‘Dialektik der Theophanie über den Begriff der Natur bei J. S. Eriugena’, in La filosofia della natura nel medioevo, Atti del terzo congresso internazionale di filosfia medioevale, Mendola 1964 (Milan, 1966). — I. P. Sheldon-Williams, ‘Johannes Scottus Eriugena’, in A. H. Armstrong (ed.), The Cambridge history of later Greek and early medieval philosophy (Cambridge, 1967), 518–33. — Brian C. Stock, ‘Observations on the use of Augustine by Johannes Scottus Eriugena’, Harvard Theol Rev 60 (1967), 213–20. — H. Liebeschütz, ‘Western christian thought from Boethius to Anselm’, in A. H. Armstrong (ed.), The Cambridge history of later Greek and early medieval philosophy (Cambridge, 1967), 535–86. — Brian C. Stock, ‘The philosophical anthropology of Johannes Scottus Eriugena’, Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 8 (1967), 1–57. — W. Strózewski, ‘Z historii problematyki. Cz.2: ontologiczna problematyka negacji u Jana Skota Eriugeny i H. Bergsona’ Studia Mediewistyczne, 9 (1968), 117–212. — J. Trouillard, ‘Proclose et Érigène: quelques aspects de la théorie de l’âme’, École pratique des Hautes Études, Ve sect., Sciences religieuses, Annuaire 1968–69, 76 (1968), 197–202. — Gustavo A. Piemonte, ‘Notas sobre la creatio ex nihilo en Juan Escoto Eriugena’, Sapientia, 23 (1968), 38–58, 115–32. — Gerard Mathon, ‘Les formes et l’interprétation des arts libéraux au milieu du IXe siècle: l’enseignement palatin de Jean Scot Érigène’, Ars libéraux et philosophie au moyen âge, Actes du IVe congrès de la Société internationale pour l’étude de la philosophie médièvale (Paris & Montreal, 1969), 47–64. — J. J. O’Meara, Eriugena (Dublin, 1969). — G. Bonafede, Scoto Eriugena (Palermo, 1969). — J. Jolivet, ‘La philosophie médiévale en Occident’, in Encyclopédie de la Pléiade: histoire de la philosophie, i Paris, 1969), 1198–1563, esp. 1250–60. — T. Tomasic, ‘Negative theology and subjectivity: an approach to the tradition of the Pseudo-Denis’, Int Philos Q 9 (1969), 406–30. — H. Silvestre, ‘La Consolation de Boèce et sa tradition littéraire’, Revue d’histoire écclesiastique, 64 (1969), 23–36: 27–8. — G. Bonafede, Scoto Eriugena (Palermo, 1969). — E. M. Porcelloni, ‘Le problème de la dérivation du monde à partir de Dieu, chez Scot Erigène, et chez saint Anselme’, Analecta Anselmiana, 1 (1970), 195–208. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘Le symbolisme de la mer chez Jean Scot Érigène’, in Le Néo-platonisme, Colloque international du CNRS, Royaumont, 9–13 juin 1969 (Paris, 1971), 385–92; repr., with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 287–96. — Édouard Jeanneau, ‘Jean Scot et la métaphysique du feu’, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 297–319. — Édouard Jeanneau, ‘Le théme du retour’, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987),— J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973) — I. P. Sheldon-Williams, ‘Eriugena’s Greek sources’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 1–15. — R. Roques, ‘Traduction ou interprétation? Breves remarques sur Jean Scot traducteur de Denys’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 59–77. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘Influences érigéniennes dans un homélie d’Héric d’Auxerre’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 114–24; repr. in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 525–35. — Ludwig Bieler, ‘Remarks on Eriugena’s original Latin prose’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 140–6. — N. Häring, ‘John Scottus in twelfth-century angelology’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 158–69. — M.–Th. d’Alverny, ‘Un rencontre symbolique de Jean Scot Érigène et d’Avicenne’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 170–81. — Y. Christe, ‘Quelques portails romans et l’idée de théophanie selon Jean Scot Érigène’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 182–9. — W. Beierwaltes, ‘The reevaluation of John Scottus Eriugena in German idealism’, in J. J. O’Meara & Ludwig Bieler (eds.), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July 1970 (Dublin, 1973), 190–9. — Marta Cristiani, ‘Lo spazio e il tempo nell’opera dell’ Eriugena’, Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 14 (1973), 39–136. — Calogero Allegro, Giovanni Scoto Eriugena (Rome, 1975). — R. Roques, Libres sentiers vers l’érigènisme (Rome, 1975). — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘L’heritage de la philosophie antique durant le haut moyen âge’ in La cultura antica nell’Occidente latino dal VII all’XI secola, Settimane di Studio de Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medio evo, 22 (Spoleto, 1975), 17–54; repr., with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 133–72. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘La bibliothèque de Cluny et les œuvres de l’Érigène’, in Pierre Abélard—Pierre le Vénerable: les courants philosophiques, littéraires et artistiques en Occident au milieu du XIe siècle, Abbaye de Cluny, 2–9 juillet 1972, Colloques du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1975), 135–44; repr., with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 397–421. — R Tullio Gregory, ‘L’escatologia di Giovanni Scoto Eriugena’, Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 7 (1976), 497–535. — Goulven Madec, ‘Jean Scot et les pères latins Hilaire, Ambroise, Jérôme et Grégoire le Grand’, Revue des études augustiniennes, 22 (1976), 134–42; repr. in Goulven Madec, Jean Scot et ses auteurs: annotations érigéniennes (Paris, 1988), 53–62. — Paul O. Kristeller, ‘The historical position of Johannes Scottus Eriugena’, in J. J. O’Meara & Berndt Naumann (eds.), Latin script and letters A.D. 400900: Festschrift presented to Ludwig Bieler on the occasion of his 70th birthday (Leiden, 1976), 156–64. — Mary Brennan, ‘A bibliography of publications in the field of Eriugenian studies, 1800–1975’, Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 18 (1977), 401–47. — René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977). — Bernhard Bischoff, ‘Irische Schreiber im Karolingerreich’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Actes des colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 47–58; repr. in Bernhard Bischoff, Mittelalterliche Studien, 3 vols. (Stuttgart, 1966–81), iii 39–54. — John J. Contreni, ‘The Irish “colony” at Laon during the time of John Scottus Eriugena’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977) 59–67; repr. in John J. Contreni, Carolingian learning: masters and manuscripts (London, 1992). — Bernhard Bischoff & Édouard Jeauneau, ‘Ein neuer Text aus der Gedankenwelt des Johannes Scottus’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Actes des colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 109–16; repr. in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 581–90 [exegetical notes, possibly by Eriugena or his near associate whose work is represented here and elsewhere in hand i² (E. K. Rand), from the flyleaves of Laon, B municipale, 55; s. ix; see also §116, below]. — R. Le Bourdellès, ‘Conaissance du grec et méthodes de traduction dans le monde carolingien jusq’à Scot Érigène’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 117–23. — J. J. O’Meara, ‘Eriugena’s use of Augustine in his teaching on the return of the soul and the vision of God’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 191–200. — Ludwig Bieler, ‘Observations on Eriugena’s “Commentary on the gospel of John”: a second harvest’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 235–42. — B. Münxelhaus, ‘Aspekte der Musica disciplina bei Eriugena’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 253–62. — W. Beierwaltes, ‘Negativi affirmatio: Welt als Metapher: zur Grundlegung einer mittelalterlichen Ästhetik durch Johannes Scotus Eriugena’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Actes des colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 263–75. — Paolo Lucentini, ‘La Clavis physicae de Honorius Augostoduneis e la tradizione eriugeniana nel secolo XII’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 405–14. — L. Châtillon, ‘Hugues de Saint-Victor, critique de Jean Scot’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Actes des colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 415–31. — Michael Lapidge, ‘L’influence stylistique de la poésie de Jean Scot’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, 561 (Paris, 1977), 441–52. — J. Kabaj, ‘Homme et nature dans la cosmologie de Johannes Scottus’, Studia Mediewistyczne, 18 (1977), 3–50. — R. R. Grimm, Paradisus coelestis paradisus terrestris, Medium Aevum, 33 (Munich, 1977), 111–20. — Ernst Ludwig Waeltner, Organicum melos: zur Musikanschauung d. Iohannes Scottus (Eriugena) (Munich, 1977). — Donald F. Duclow, ‘Divine nothingness and self-creation in John Scottus Eriugena’, Journal of religion, 57 (1977), 109–23. — Donald F. Duclow, ‘Nature as speech and book in John Scottus Eriugena’, Mediaevalia, 3 (1977), 131–40. — Marta Cristiani, Dall’unanimitas all’universitas: da Alcuino a Giovanni Eriugena: lineamenti ideologici et terminologia politica della cultura del secolo IX, Instituto storico italiano per il medio evo: Studi storici, 100–2 (Rome, 1978). — Stephen Gersh, From Iamblichus to Eriugena: an investigation of the prehistory and evolution of the Pseudo-Dionysian tradition, Studien zur Problemgeschichte der antiken und mittelalterlichen Philosophie, 8 (Leiden, 1978). — Édouard Jeauneau, Quatre thémes érigéniens, Conférence Albert Le Grand 1974 (Montreal & Paris, 1978); repr., with additions and corrections, in Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 211–338. — Jorge J. E. Gracia, ‘Ontological characterization of the relation between man and created nature in Eriugena’, J Hist Philos 16 (1978), 155–66. — J. M. Wallace-Hadrill, ‘A Carolingian renaissance prince: the emperor Charles the Bald’, Proc Br Acad 64 (1978), 155–84: 164–5, 168–9. — Édouard Jeauneau, ‘Jean Scot Érigène et le grec’, Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aeui, 41 (1979), 5–50; repr., with additions and corrections, in Édouard Jeauneau, Études érigéniennes (Paris, 1987), 85–132. — Dermot Moran, ‘“Natura quadriformata” and the beginnings of “Physiologia” in the philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena’, Bull philosophie mediévale, 21 (1979), 41–6. — Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen, Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.–30. August 1979, Abhandl. Heidelberger Akad Wiss, phil.-hist. Kl., Jhg 1980, 3. Abhandlung (Heidelberg, 1980). — Guy-H. Allard, ‘Vocabulaire érigénien relatif à la représentation de l’Écriture’, in Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen, Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.–30. 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