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CELT: Select Bibliography of John O'Donovan
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Select Bibliography of John O'Donovan

by Donnchadh Ó Corráin

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Select Bibliography

  1. (ed. & tr.), `The circuit of Muircheartach mac Neill', in Tracts relating to Ireland i (Dublin 1841)
  2. `Origin and meaning of Irish family names', Ir Penny J 1 no 41 (Apr 10 1841) 326-28; 42 (Apr 17) 330-32; 46 (May 15) 365-66; 48 (May 29) 381-84; 50 (June 12) 396-98; 51 (June 19) 405-07; 52 (June 26) 413-15.
  3. (ed. & tr.), The banquet of Dun na nGedh and the Battle of Magh Rath (Dublin 1842)
  4. (ed. & tr.), The tribes and customs of Hy Many (Dublin 1843)
  5. (ed. & tr.), The genealogies, tribes and customs of Hy Fiachrach (Dublin 1844)
  6. A grammar of the Irish language (Dublin 1845)
  7. `An ancient poem attributed to St Columbkille' Miscellany of the Irish Archæological Society (Dublin 1846) 1-15
  8. `Autograph letter of Thady O'Roddy', Miscellany of the Irish Archæological Society (Dublin 1846) 112-25
  9. `The Irish charters in the Book of Kells', Miscellany of the Irish Archæological Society (Dublin 1846) 127-57
  10. `Covenant between Mageoghagan and the Fox, with brief historical notes on the two families', Miscellany of the Irish Archæological Society (Dublin 1846) 179-97
  11. `The Annals of Ireland from the year 1443 to 1468 translated from the Irish by Dudley Firbisse', Miscellany of the Irish Archæological Society (Dublin 1846) 198-
  12. (ed. & tr.), Leabhar na gCeart or the Book of Rights (Dublin 1847)
  13. (ed), Miscellany of the Celtic Society (Dublin 1849)
  14. (ed. & tr.), The tribes and territory of ancient Ossory (Dublin 1851)
  15. `Inauguration of Cathal Crobhdhearg, king of Connaught', J Kilkenny Archaeol Soc 2 (1853) 335
  16. `Letter of Florence MacCarthy to the earl of Thomond on the ancient history of Ireland', J Kilkenny Archaeol Soc ns 1 (1856) 203-229
  17. `On the elegy of Erard MacCoise, chief chronicler of the Gaels over the tomb of Fergal O'Ruairc, chief of Brefny at Clonmacnoise', J Kilkenny Archaeol Soc ns 1 (1857) 341-56
  18. `The registry of Clonmacnoise', J Kilkenny Archaeol Soc ns 1 (1857) 444-60
  19. `Original letters in the Irish and Latin languages by Shane O'Neill' and `Proclamation of Hugh's treason against Elizabeth', Ulster J Archaeol ser 1 5 (1857) 259-73
  20. `Extract from the journal of Thomas Dineley, Esq., giving some account of his visits to Ireland in the reign of Charles II', J Kilkenny Archaeol Soc ns 2 (1858) 22-32
  21. `Military proclamation in the Irish language issued by Hugh O'Neill of Tyrone in 1601', Ulster J Archaeol ser1 6 (1858) 57
  22. `Errors of Edmund Spenser on Irish surnames', Ulster J Archaeol ser1 6 (1858) 135
  23. `Irish correspondence of James FitzMaurice of Desmond', J Kilkenny Archaeol Soc ns 2 (1859) 354-69
  24. Annals of Ireland: three fragments (Dublin 1860)
  25. `The Fomorians and Lochlans pedigrees of MacCabe of Ireland and MacLeod of Scotland', Ulster J Archaeol ser1 9 (1861) 94
  26. (tr) & Todd, James Henthorn Todd & Reeves, William (ed), The martyrology of Donegal (Dublin 1864)
  27. The topographical poems of O'Dubhagain and O'Huidrin (Dublin 1862)
  28. Letters by John O'Donovan preserved in the Ordnance Survey, Phoenix Parks [now in National Archives] together with autobiographical notes [unpublished, 9pp]

Biographical Notices of John O'Donovan

  1. anon, `The late John O'Donovan', Dublin University Magazine 59 (Jan 1862) 85-88.
  2. anon, `Short life of the late John O'Donovan', Duffy's Hibernian Magazine 1/1 (January 1862) 106-14.
  3. anon, Life and labours of John O'Donovan LLD, reprinted as a pamphlet from Dublin Review 51 (May 1862) 359-78 (London 1862).
  4. anon, Obituary of John O'Donovan, J Roy Soc Antiq Ire 7 (1862-63) 3.
  5. Patrick Boyle, `John O'Donovan at Oxford', Ir Ecclesiast Rec 32 (1912) 113-17.
  6. Patricia Boyne, John O'Donovan (1806-1861): a biography (Kilkenny: Boethius 1987).
  7. William Carrigan, `Entries relating to John O'Donovan and his immediate relatives from the registers of the formerly united parishes of Slieverue and Glenmore, County Kilkenny', J Roy Soc Antiq Ire 45 (1915) 167-69.
  8. Arthur P. Cleary, Queen's Colleges in Ireland (Dublin 1862).
  9. T. J. Clohosey, `John O'Donovan', Old Kilkenny Rev 14 (1962) 5-15.
  10. Helena Concannon, `John O'Donovan and the Annals of the Four Masters', Studies [Dublin] 37 (1948) 300-07.
  11. [Bráthair Críostamhail], Síoladóirí, i. Eoghan Ó Comhraidhe agus Seán Ó Donnabháin (Dublin 1947).
  12. Henry Dixon, `John O'Donovan', An Leabharlann 2/1 (1906) 1-39.
  13. Henry Dixon & Donal O'Connor (ed), `Letters written by John O'Donovan containing information relative to antiquities of the county of Down during the progress of the Ordnance Survey in 1834', An Leabharlann 3/1 (1909), supplement.
  14. Lady Mary Ferguson, Life of the Right Rev. William Reeves (Dublin 1893).
  15. Lady Mary Ferguson, Sir Samuel Ferguson in the Ireland of his day (London & Edinburgh 1896).
  16. Thomas Flannery, `John O'Donovan', Denvir's Monthly Irish Library 12 (Dec. 1902) 1-24.
  17. Sir John Gilbert, `Ancient Irish historical manuscripts', Dublin Review 100 (1861).
  18. Brendan Jennings, The Four Masters: Michael O Cleirigh and his associates (Dublin 1936).
  19. Eugene O'Curry, Statement of O'Curry on the translation of the ancient laws of Ireland, J National Lit Soc Ire 1/3 (1902) 147-59.
  20. John O'Donovan, Copy of a letter written by John O'Donovan to Dr J. H. Todd giving an account of his early life, J Roy Soc Antiq Ire 16 (1883-84) 347-49.
  21. John O'Donovan, Sixteen letters from John O'Donovan to J. W. Hanna, written from 1846 t0 1857, An Leabharlann 2/2 (March 1907) 140-83.
  22. E. de hÓir, Seán Ó Donnabháin agus Eoghan Ó Comhraí (Dublin 1962).
  23. Colm Ó Lochlainn, `John O'Donovan and the Four Masters' [reprint of the prospectus of O'Donovan's original edition, with a note], Irish Book Lover 29 (May 1943) 4-8.
  24. Colm Ó Lochlainn, `John O'Donovan and Colonel Larcom', Irish Book Lover 39 (Nov. 1945) 122-24.
  25. W. A. Seymour (ed), A history of the Ordnance Survey (Kent 1980).
  26. Michael Tierney, `Eugene O'Curry and the Irish tradition', Studies [Dublin] 51 (1962) 449-62.
  27. R. de Valera, `Seán Ó Donnabháin agus lucht a chúnta', J Roy Soc Antiq Ire 79 (1949) 146-59.

Bibliography created by Prof. Donnchadh Ó Corráin, Department of History, University College Cork.
Rendered into HTML by Margaret Lantry, UCC.

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