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Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Terms and Conditions Mananaf (Junio) 2013, Salmo 144:1-4. Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus - God's Precious Words

Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus – God's Precious Words
Chamorro  ·  English

Mananaf (Júnio) 2013

Bendito si Yuus y achojo, ni y jafanagüe y canaejo para uguera, yan y calalotjo para umumo. Y minaaseco yan y
guimegüeco y iyoco tore na taquilo, yan y munalibreyo; y patangjo, yan y anae juangocoyo;
ni y pumolo y taotaojo gui papajo.

Jeova, jafa y taotao na unatituye y tiningoña? pat y lajin taotao na uncuecuenta güe? Y taotao parejoja yan y
jinaja; y jaaniña parejoja yan y anineng ni y malofan.” Salmo 144:1-4.

1. Clouds and Shadows: May 5, 2013 at 14:33:13 GMT, As Seen From the International Space Station (Expedition 35), Orbiting Over Al Jumhuriyah al Yamaniyah -- Republic of Yemen at Latitude (LAT): 15.4, Longitude (LON): 45.1, Altitude (ALT): 221 Nautical Miles, Sun Azimuth (AZI): 285 degrees, Sun Elevation Angle (ELEV):10 degrees. Photo Credit: NASA; ISS035-E-34688, Middle East, Near East, International Space Station (Expedition Thirty-Five); Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. "Astronaut Photography of Earth - Display Record." <>; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA,, Government of the United States of America (USA).
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1. May 5, 2013 at 14:33:13 GMT
As Seen From the International Space Station (Expedition 35)
Orbiting Over Al Jumhuriyah al Yamaniyah – Republic of Yemen

Latitude (LAT): 15.4 · Longitude (LON): 45.1 · Altitude (ALT): 221 Nautical Miles · Sun Azimuth (AZI): 285° · Sun Elevation Angle (ELEV): 10°

Clouds and Shadows

2. Clouds and Shadows: May 5, 2013 at 14:33:17 GMT, As Seen From the International Space Station (Expedition 35), Orbiting Over Al Jumhuriyah al Yamaniyah -- Republic of Yemen at Latitude (LAT): 15.2, Longitude (LON): 45.2, Altitude (ALT): 221 Nautical Miles, Sun Azimuth (AZI): 285 degrees, Sun Elevation Angle (ELEV): 9 degrees. Photo Credit: NASA; ISS035-E-34689, Near East, Middle East, International Space Station (Expedition Thirty-Five); Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. "Astronaut Photography of Earth - Display Record." <>; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA,, Government of the United States of America (USA).
Huge   Large   Medium   Other
2. May 5, 2013 at 14:33:17 GMT
As Seen From the International Space Station (Expedition 35)
Orbiting Over Al Jumhuriyah al Yamaniyah – Republic of Yemen

Latitude (LAT): 15.2 · Longitude (LON): 45.2 · Altitude (ALT): 221 Nautical Miles · Sun Azimuth (AZI): 285° · Sun Elevation Angle (ELEV): 9°
3. Clouds and Shadows: May 5, 2013 at 14:33:54 GMT, As Seen From the International Space Station (Expedition 35), Orbiting Above the Gulf of Aden at (LAT): 13.3, Longitude (LON): 46.7, Altitude (ALT): 221 Nautical Miles, Sun Azimuth (AZI): 285 degrees, Sun Elevation Angle (ELEV): 7 degrees. Photo Credit: NASA; ISS035-E-34692, Near East, Middle East, International Space Station (Expedition Thirty-Five); Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. "Astronaut Photography of Earth - Display Record." <>; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA,, Government of the United States of America (USA).
Huge   Large   Medium   Other
3. May 5, 2013 at 14:33:54 GMT
As Seen From the International Space Station (Expedition 35)
Orbiting Above the Gulf of Aden

Latitude (LAT): 13.3 · Longitude (LON): 46.7 · Altitude (ALT): 221 Nautical Miles · Sun Azimuth (AZI): 285° · Sun Elevation Angle (ELEV): 7°
4. Clouds and Shadows: May 5, 2013 at 14:33:56 GMT, As Seen From the International Space Station (Expedition 35), Orbiting Above the Gulf of Aden at (LAT): 13.2, Longitude (LON): 46.7, Altitude (ALT): 221 Nautical Miles, Sun Azimuth (AZI): 285 degrees, Sun Elevation Angle (ELEV): 7 degrees. Photo Credit: NASA; ISS035-E-34693, Middle East, Near East, International Space Station (Expedition Thirty-Five); Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. "Astronaut Photography of Earth - Display Record." <>; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA,, Government of the United States of America (USA).
Huge   Large   Medium   Other
4. May 5, 2013 at 14:33:56 GMT
As Seen From the International Space Station (Expedition 35)
Orbiting Above the Gulf of Aden

Latitude (LAT): 13.2 · Longitude (LON): 46.7 · Altitude (ALT): 221 Nautical Miles · Sun Azimuth (AZI): 285° · Sun Elevation Angle (ELEV): 7°

Photo Credits:

1. First Row (Full size Original, Huge, Large, Medium, or Other): NASA; ISS035-E-34688, Middle East, Near East, International Space Station (Expedition 35); Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. "Astronaut Photography of Earth - Display Record." <>; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA,, Government of the United States of America (USA).

2. Secomd Row (Full size Original, Huge, Large, Medium, or Other): NASA; ISS035-E-34689, Near East, Middle East, International Space Station (Expedition 35); Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. "Astronaut Photography of Earth - Display Record." <>; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA,, Government of the United States of America (USA).

3. Third Row (Full size Original, Huge, Large, Medium, or Other): NASA; ISS035-E-34692, Near East, Middle East, International Space Station (Expedition 35); Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. "Astronaut Photography of Earth - Display Record." <>; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA,, Government of the United States of America (USA).

4. Fourth Row (Full size Original, Huge, Large, Medium, or Other): NASA; ISS035-E-34693, Middle East, Near East, International Space Station (Expedition 35); Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. "Astronaut Photography of Earth - Display Record." <>; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA,, Government of the United States of America (USA).

The Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus Archive
The Great Earthquake and Catastrophic Tsunami of 2004
The Spectacular Clouds of the Transonic Flight Regime
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