Heavy Construction
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Indirect Object with Compounds.
Many verbs compounded with ad, ante, con, in, inter, ob, post, prae, pró, sub,
super, and some with circum, admit the Dative of the indirect
object: -
- neque enim adsentior
eís (Lael. 13), for I do not agree with them.
- sí sibi ipse
cónsentit (id. i. 5), if he is in accord with
- virtútés semper
voluptátibus inhaerent (Fin. i. 68), virtues are
always connected with pleasures.
- omnibus negótiís
nón interfuit sólum sed praefuit (id. i. 6), he
not only had a hand in all matters, but took the lead in them.
- tempestátí
obsequí artis est (Fam. i. 9. 21),
it is a point of skill to yield to the weather.
- nec umquam succumbet
inimícís (Deiot. 36), and he will never
yield to his foes.
- cum et Brútus cuilibet ducum
praeferendus vidérétur et Vatínius
núllí nón esset postferendus
(Vell. ii. 69), since Brutus seemed worthy of being put before any of
the generals and Vatinius deserved to be put after all of them.
a. In these cases the dative depends not
on the preposition, but on the compound verb in its acquired meaning.
Hence, if the acquired meaning is not suited to an indirect object, the
original construction of the simple verb remains.
Thus in convocat suós,
he calls his men together, the idea of calling is not so
modified as to make an indirect object appropriate. So hominem interficere, to make away with a
man (kill him). But in praeficere
imperátórem belló, to put a man as
commander-in-chief in charge of a war, the idea resulting from the
composition is suited to an indirect object (see also b, §§ 371, 388. b).
NOTE 1: Some of these verbs, being originally transitive, take
also a direct object: as, - né
offerámus nós perículís
(Off. i. 83), it that we may not expose ourselves to perils. NOTE 2:
The construction of § 370 is not so different in its nature from
that of §§ 362, 366, and 367; but
the compound verbs make a convenient group.
b. Some compounds of ad, ante, ob, with a few others, have acquired
a transitive meaning, and take the accusative (cf. § 388. b): - [1][Such verbs are aggredior, adeó, antecédó,
anteeó, antegredior, convenió, ineó, obeó,
offendó, oppúgnó, praecédó,
- nós oppúgnat (Fam. i. 1), he opposes us.
- quis audeat bene comitátum
aggredí (Phil. xii. 25), who would dare encounter a man
well attended?
- múnus obíre (Lael. 7), to attend to a duty.
c. The adjective obvius and the adverb obviam with a verb take the dative: -
- sí ille obvius eí
futúrus nón erat (Mil. 47), if he was not
intending to get in his way.
- mihi obviam vénisti (Fam. ii. 16. 3), you came
to meet me.