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Indirect Object with Special Verbs.


Many verbs signifying to favor, help, please, trust, and their contraries; also to believe, persuade, command, obey, serve, resist, envy, threaten, pardon, and spare,[1][These include, among others, the following: adversor, cédó, crédó, faveó, fídó, ígnóscó, imperó, indulgeó, invideó, íráscor, minitor, noceó, parcó, placeó, resistó, servió, studeó, suádeó (persuádeó), suscénseó, temperó (obtemperó).] take the Dative: -

a. Some verbs apparently of the same meanings take the Accusative.

Such are iuvó, adiuvó, help; laedó, injure; iubeó, order; défició, fail; délectó, please: -

NOTE 1: Fídó and c=onf=id=o take also the Ablative (§ 431): as, - multum nátúrá locí cónfídébant (B. G. iii. 9) they had great confidence in the strength of their position.

NOTE 2: Some common phrases regularly take the dative rpecisely like verbs of similar meaning. Such are - praestó esse, be at hand (cf. adesse); mórem gerere, humor (cf. mórigerárí); grátum facere, do a favor (cf. grátificárí);dictó audiéns esse, be obedient (cf. oboedíre); cui fidem habébat (B. G. i. 19), in whom he had confidence (cf. cónfidébat).

So also many phrases where no corresponding verb exists. Such are - bene (male, pulchré, aegré, etc.) esse, be well (ill, etc.) off; iniúriam facere, do justice to; diem dícere, bring to trial (name a day for, etc.); aegre grátiás, express one's thanks; habére grátiam, feel thankful; referre grátiam, repay a favor; opus esse, be necessary; damnum dare, inflict an injury; acceptum (expénsum) ferre (esse), credit (charge); honórem habére, to pay honor to.

b. Some verbs are use transitively with the Accusative or intransitively with the Dative without perceptible difference of meaning.

Such are adúor, aemulor, déspéró, praestólor, medeor: -

c. Some verbs are used transitively with the Accusative or intransitively with the Dative with a difference of meaning: - [2][See the Lexicon under caveó, convenió, cupió, ínsistó, maneó, praevertó, recipió, renúnió, solvó, succédó.]

d. A few verbal nouns (as ínsidiae, ambush; obtemperátió , obedience) rarely take the dative like the corresponding verbs: -

NOTE: In these cases the dative depends immediately upon the verbal force of the noun and not on any complex idea (cf § 366 a, b)


The Dative is used -

1. With the impersonals libet (lubet), it pleases, and licet, it is allowed: -

2. With verbs compounded with satis, bene, and male: -

NOTE: These are not real compounds, but phrases, and were apparently felt as such by the Romans. Thus - satis offició meó, satis illórum voluntatí quí á mé hóc petívérunt factum esse arbitrábor (Verr. v. 130), I shall consider that enough has been done for my duty, enough for the wishes of those who asked this of me.

3. With grátificor, grátulor, núbó, permittó, plaudó, probó, studeó, supplicó, excelló: -

NOTE: Misceó and iungó sometimes take the dative (see § 413. a. N.). Haereó usually takes the ablative, with or without in, rarely the dative: as, - haerentem capití corónam (Hor. S. i. 10. 49), a wreath clinging to the head.

a. The dative is often used by the poets in constructions which would in prose require a noun with a preposition. So especially with verbs of contending413. b): -

For the Dative instead of ad with the Accusative, see § 428. h.