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Events Archive - COMMUNIA Association


Find here all 31 events hosted by COMMUNIA with a video recording.

  • Announcement of COMMUNIA Salon Special Edition entitled "Eurovision DSM Contest Afterparty: Taking stock of the implementation and looking forward" on 12 December 2023, 15:00-16:30 CET

    COMMUNIA Salon: Eurovision DSM Contest Afterparty

    The phone lines are closed. The results are in. Twenty-five member states have implemented the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive. But who won the Eurovision DSM Contest? Who will be crowned as Europe’s new users’ rights champion? On Tuesday, December 12th, from 1500h to 1630 CET, we are hosting a virtual COMMUNIA salon […]

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  • Book banner for Chokepoint Capitalism

    Book launch: Chokepoint Capitalism

    COMMUNIA and Wikimedia Deutschland hosted a presentation and discussion of the book “Chokepoint Capitalism” with author Rebecca Giblin on June 27, 2023 in Berlin. The labour markets for creatives have been taken over by Big Tech and Big Content. How can we take them back and ensure that creative workers are paid fairly? Rebecca Giblin, […]

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  • Echtpaar bij de dorpsrechtbank van Puiterveen

    COMMUNIA and reCreating Europe workshop on copyright flexibilities

    COMMUNIA and reCreating Europe hosted the joint expert workshop “Copyright Flexibilities: mapping, explaining, empowering”, which took place in a hybrid format at the University of Amsterdam’s Institute for Information Law (IViR) and on Zoom on September 21st, 2022, from 09:00 to 17:00 CEST. At the workshop, three websites/databases tracking the status of users’ rights and […]

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  • Banner of Filtered Futures showing a crowd from the back. With no text, plus Communia and GFF's logos.

    Filtered Futures

    COMMUNIA and Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte co-hosted the conference “Filtered Futures: Fundamental Rights Constraints of Upload Filters after the CJEU Ruling on Article 17 of the Copyright Directive” on September 19th, 2022, at Robert Bosch Stiftung in Berlin. The recording of the conference webstream is available below and through COMMUNIA’s Vimeo account. The CJEU decision on […]

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  • NPO Launch banner

    Twenty copyright policy recommendations for the next decade

    On Tuesday, the 31st of May 2022, COMMUNIA presented twenty new policy recommendations that will guide our association’s work for the next decade. We brought together fellow activists, academics, policy makers and other stakeholders from across the copyright policy spectrum in Brussels to celebrate the occasion. Our new policy recommendations build on the principles of […]

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  • COMMUNIA Salon: The CJEU decision on Article 17 and the future of upload filters in the EU

    Communia hosted a virtual salon to discuss the implications of the highly anticipated CJEU decision on Article 17 and what it means for the national implementations of Article 17. The Court’s judgement in case C-401/19 marked  an important moment in the discussions about Article 17 as it provides more clarity on the European Commission’s implementation […]

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  • COMMUNIA Salon: The sui generis database right in the data act

    In this COMMUNIA Salon, we explored the future of the sui generis database right and how this right should evolve in the context of the proposed Data Act. For this edition we were joined among others by Krzysztof Nichczynski (DG Connect, European Commission) who presented the European Commission’s rationale for the Data Act, Martin Husovec […]

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  • Banner The New EU Copyright Exceptions - A Model For the World?

    The new EU Copyright exceptions – a model for the world?

    COMMUNIA and Wikimedia Deutschland held a panel discussion to discuss whether the new mandatory exceptions in the EU Copyright Directive could serve as a model to solve some of the most pressing international-level problems around education and research.

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  • COMMUNIA Salon: Article 17 – Unpacking the AG Opinion in case C-401/19

    COMMUNIA organised a special lunch edition Salon to analyze the Opinion that CJEU Advocate General Saugmandsgaard Øe issued on Case C-401/19, the Polish request to annul Article 17 of the CDSM directive. His Opinion finds that Article 17 is compatible with the freedom of expression and information guaranteed in Article 11 of the Charter of […]

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  • COMMUNIA's 10th Birthday banner

    COMMUNIA’s 10th Anniversary

    Communia celebrated its 10th anniversary with an online birthday party. To kick off the festivities, we reviewed the 14 policy recommendations that COMMUNIA issued 10 years ago to see what happened to them over the past decade (from 00:03 to 00:21 in the recording). As it turns out a fair number of them have been […]

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Engraving of the female personification of the gift of learning in a niche, one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. She wears a crown of leaves and in her right hand she holds a caduceus. A radiant sun around her head.
Featured Blog post:
A Digital Knowledge Act for Europe
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Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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