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COMMUNIA Association - Policy papers

Policy papers

Find here all 15 studies and position papers authored by members and friends of COMMUNIA. Our policy papers analyse the impact of current legislation or legislative proposals on the Public Domain and are published irregularly.

  • Policy Paper #15 on using copyrighted works for teaching the machine

    Background We have witnessed a proliferation of (so-called) generative artificial intelligence (AI) models since OpenAI made DALL-E 2 available to the public in July 2022. This has gone alongside a renewed interest in questions about the relationship between machine learning (ML) and copyright law — as evidenced by a surge in publications on the topic […]

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  • Policy Paper #14 on fundamental rights as a limit to copyright during emergencies

    May 20201 – (This policy paper is also available as a PDF file) COMMUNIA Policy Paper on fundamental rights as a limit to copyright during emergencies Exceptions and limitations to copyright should support education, research and other public interest activities that need to take place remotely during emergencies that fundamentally disrupt the normal organization of […]

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  • Policy paper #13 on the review of the PSI Directive

    January 2018 – (This policy paper is also available as a PDF file) COMMUNIA policy​ ​paper on the review of the PSI Directive In 2003 the Directive 2003/98/EC on the re­use of public sector information (2003 Directive) came into effect and obliged EU Member States to make information and resources that they produce and collect reusable to […]

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  • Policy Paper #12 in reaction to the public consultation on the Database Directive

    August 2017 – (This policy paper is also available as a PDF file) COMMUNIA policy​ ​paper​ on​ ​the​ EU ​Database​ ​Directive This policy paper is released in the context of the European Commission’s public consultation on the application and impact of the Directive 96/9/EU on the legal protection of databases (Database Directive). The Directive aimed […]

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  • Policy paper #11 on leveraging copyright in support of education

    January 2016 – (This policy paper is also available as a PDF file) COMMUNIA policy paper on exceptions and limitations for education Copyright policy needs to empower—and not thwart—the activities of teaching and learning. Exceptions and limitations to copyright for education should support necessary access and re-use of copyrighted content of all types in a […]

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  • Policy paper #10 on the importance of exceptions and limitations for a balanced copyright policy.

    May 2015 – (This policy paper is also available as a PDF file) Licensing alone will not secure user rights Culture, education and science require a “breathing space” within the copyright system. In this space, secured by exceptions and limitations, we learn, create art, appreciate culture and conduct research. It is also in this space […]

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  • Policy paper #9 on the review of the EU copyright laws

    March 2015 – (This policy paper is also available as a PDF file) The mission of the COMMUNIA Association is to educate about, advocate for, offer expertise and research about the public domain in the digital age within society and with policy-makers. It draws on our Progressive Agenda for the Digital Public Domain and from […]

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  • Policy paper #8 on the re-use of public sector information in cultural heritage institutions

    November 2014 – (This policy paper is also available as a PDF file) Summary In 2013 the European Union amended the Directive on Public Sector Information, establishing the principle that all available information produced and collected by public sector institutions must be made available for reuse under open terms and conditions. The amended Directive also […]

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  • Policy paper #7 on digitization agreements for Public Domain works

    June 2014 – (This policy paper is also available as a PDF file) COMMUNIA policy paper on digitization agreements for Public Domain works: Recommendations for cultural heritage institutions The aim of this policy paper is to make policy recommendations for cultural institutions to preserve the Public Domain when using digitization services provided by private entities. […]

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  • Policy paper #6: on the proposed directive on collective management of copyright

    January 2013 – (This policy paper is also available as a PDF file) COMMUNIA policy paper on the Directive proposal on Collective Management of Copyright The mission of the COMMUNIA Association is to foster, strengthen, and enrich the Public Domain in the Digital Environment. As part of this mission, the COMMUNIA Association is advocating for […]

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Engraving of the female personification of the gift of learning in a niche, one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. She wears a crown of leaves and in her right hand she holds a caduceus. A radiant sun around her head.
Featured Blog post:
A Digital Knowledge Act for Europe
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