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Berlin State Library

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A Hall of Mirrors: *Cabala, Spiegel Der Kunst Und Natur, In Alchymia* (1615) Cartoon Map of Europe in 1914
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Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève Livres

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Mnemonic Alphabet of Jacobus Publicius (1482)
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British Library
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Bryn Mawr College Library

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*Punctuation Personified* (1824)
Digital RightsPublic Domain Mark
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ETH-Bibliothek Zürich

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Wheels Within Wheels: The “Flammarion Engraving” (ca. 1888)James Sowerby’s *British Mineralogy* (1802–17)
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George Méliès Collection

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Digital RightsPublic Domain Mark
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Library of the University of Seville

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Filippo Buonanni’s Harmonic Cabinet (1722)
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Minneapolis Institute of Art

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An Iconic Line: Claude Mellan’s *The Sudarium of Saint Veronica* (1649)
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Hi-Res Images from the Apollo MissionsApollo 11 Onboard Recordings (1969)Space Colony Art from the 1970s
Digital RightsPublic Domain Mark
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National Digital Library of Poland

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The Coronation of King Ladislaus of Poland (1633)A Catalogue of Polish Bishops
Digital RightsPublic Domain Mark
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Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision

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The Somersault Man (1923)Dutch Fashion Reel (1969)
Digital RightsPublic Domain Mark
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ORKA - Open Repository Kassel

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The Comet Book (1587)Flowers of the Sky
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Penn Libraries

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Erbario: a 15th-century Herbal from Northern Italy
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Prelinger Archives
Digital RightsPublic Domain Mark
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Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh

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Joseph Perry’s Medical Illustrations of Miscarriage (1834)
Digital RightsPublic Domain Mark
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Royal College of Surgeons of England

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Visualizing Migraines: The Attempts of Hubert Airy and Others to Depict Scintillating ScotomataCharles Babbage’s Observations on Street Nuisances (1864)Self-Portrait by Ernst Mach (1886)
Digital RightsPublic Domain Mark
Rights CategoryNo Additional Rights

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A Book of Stone: Adam Wirsing’s Marmora (1776)
Digital RightsPublic Domain Mark
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Stanford University Libraries

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The Celestial Atlas of Andreas Cellarius (1660)Maps Showing California as an Island
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The Royal Society
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US National Library of Medicine
Digital RightsPublic Domain Mark
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Universal City Studios

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University of Houston Digital Library

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The History of Four-footed Beasts and Serpents (1658)
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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

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Hans Prinzhorn’s Artistry of the Mentally Ill (1922)The Telephonoscope (1879)
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Wellcome Collection
Digital RightsPublic Domain Mark
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Zentralbibliothek Zürich

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Celestial Phenomenon Over Nuremberg, April 14th, 1561
Digital RightsPublic Domain Mark
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American Museum of Natural History Library

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Unnatural Selection: Emil Schachtzabel’s Pigeon *Prachtwerk* (1906)
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Amherst College

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Orra White Hitchcock’s Scientific Illustrations for the Classroom (1828–40)
Digital RightsMarked “public domain”
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Art Institute Chicago

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The “Madame B Album” (ca. 1870s)Of Chickens, Eggs, and Cannonballs: Roger Fenton’s Valley of the Shadow of Death (1855)
Digital RightsCC0 license
Rights CategoryNo Additional Rights

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First Paper to Link CO2 and Global Warming, by Eunice Foote (1856)Plates from Robert Thornton’s Temple of Flora (1807)Nehemiah Grew’s Anatomy of Plants (1680)
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Rights CategoryNo Additional Rights
Department of Energy Digital Archive

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Operation Doorstep (1953)
Digital RightsMarked “public domain”
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Ernst Mayer Library

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En Pleine Mer: The Underwater Landscapes of Eugen von Ransonnet-VillezImages from the First Colour Publication on Fish (1754)
Digital RightsMarked “public domain”
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*It Started with Muybridge* (1964)
Digital RightsCC0 license
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Geographicus Rare Antique Maps

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Maps from Geographicus
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Lloyd Library and Museum

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Lithographs from M. E. Descourtilz’s *Atlas des Champignons* (1827)
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Los Angeles County Museum of Art

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MKG Collection Online

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The Tanzmasken of Lavinia Schulz and Walter Holdt (ca. 1924)The Turns of the *Turnverein*: Heinrich Hamann’s Gymnastic Photographs (ca. 1902)
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Missouri Botanical Garden

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Digital RightsMarked “public domain”
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Musea Brugge

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James Ensor, *The Deadly Sins* (ca. 1904)
Digital RightsCC0 license
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National Gallery of Denmark

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The Reverse of a Framed Painting, and Other Trompe L’oeil by Cornelis Norbertus Gijsbrechts (ca. 1670)
Digital RightsCC0 license
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New York Public Library
Digital RightsMostly marked “not in copyright” or “public domain”
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Princeton University Library

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Knowledge by the Pound: *The Renowned History of Giles Gingerbread* (1768)Persian Demons from a Book of Magic and Astrology (1921)
Digital RightsCC0 license
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Urania’s Mirror; or, a View of the Heavens (circa 1825)Images from William Saville-Kent’s The Great Barrier Reef of Australia (1893)Albert Racinet’s L’Ornement Polychrome (1869–73)
Digital RightsCC0 license
Rights CategoryNo Additional Rights
Digital RightsCC0 license
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The Cleveland Museum of Art

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The Human Pyramids of Juste De Juste (ca. 1540)Highlights from The Cleveland Museum of Art’s release of more than 30k images of public domain works
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The Metropolitan Museum
Digital RightsMarked “public domain” (with indirect link to CCO license)
Rights CategoryNo Additional Rights
The Segundo de Chomón Collection

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The Frog (1908)The Magic Roses (1906)
Digital RightsCC0 license
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Toronto Public Library

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Halloween Postcards, ca. 1900–1920
Digital RightsMarked “public domain”
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U.S. National Archives

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John H. White’s Photographs of Black Chicago for DOCUMERICA (1973–74)
Digital RightsCC0 license
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UCLA Digital Library

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Bob’s Electrical Theatre (1906)Radical Fashion from the Schembart Carnival (1590)
Digital RightsMarked “public domain”
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UK National Archives

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Coughs, Sneezes, and Jet-Propelled Germs: Two Public Service Films by Richard Massingham (1945)The Map That Changed the Middle East (1916)Coughs and Sneezes (1945)
Digital RightsMarked “public domain”
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US National Gallery of Art

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Manhattan’s Last Arcadia: Estate Plans from the Index of American Design (1936) John Singleton Copley’s *Watson and the Shark* (1778)Bracelli’s Bizzarie di Varie Figure (1624)The Triumphal Arch of Emperor Maximilian I (1515)
Digital RightsCC0 license
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United States Naval Observatory

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The Hyginus Star Atlas (1482)The Celestial Atlas of Flamsteed (1795)Transit of Venus (1882)
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University of Strasbourg

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Buffon and de Sève’s Quadrupeds (1754)
Digital RightsMarked “public domain”
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University of Tübingen

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The Geometric Landscapes of Lorenz Stoer (1567)
Digital RightsMarked “public domain”
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The Walters Art Museum

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Yale Center for British Art

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William Blake’s *The Gates of Paradise* (1787-93)Shakespeare in ArtA Young Daughter of the Picts (ca. 1585)
Digital RightsCC0 license
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Yale University Art Gallery

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Filippo Morghen’s Fantastical Visions of Lunar Life (1776)
Digital RightsMarked “public domain”
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Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

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Brown University Library

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Albert Millican’s *Travels and Adventures of an Orchid Hunter* (1891)
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California Digital Library
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Columbia University Libraries

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700 Years of Dante’s *Divine Comedy* in ArtVisualizing Migraines: The Attempts of Hubert Airy and Others to Depict Scintillating ScotomataSpecimens of Chromatic Wood Type and Borders (1874)
Digital RightsMarked “no restrictions”
Rights CategoryNo Additional Rights
Digital Maryland

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Halloween Postcards, ca. 1900–1920
Digital RightsMarked “No Copyright - US”
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George A. Smathers Libraries

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Pages From an Illustrated Catalogue of Period Ornaments (ca. 1919)
Digital RightsMarked “not in copyright”
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Harry Ransom Center

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The Blood Collages of John Bingley Garland (ca. 1850–60)
Digital RightsMarked “No Copyright - US”
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Harvard University

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Library of Congress
Digital RightsMostly marked “no known restrictions”
Rights CategoryNo Additional Rights

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Floating Phantoms: A. G. Mayer’s *Medusae of the World* (1910)The Kumatologist: Vaughan Cornish’s Wave Studies (1910–14)The Expressions of Emotion in the Pigeons (1909–11)Flatfish Camouflage Experiments (1911)
Digital RightsMarked “not in copyright”
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National Library of the Netherlands

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Der Naturen Bloeme: The Flower of Nature (ca. 1350)Adriaen Coenen’s Fish Book (1580)
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Philadelphia Museum of Art

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*Specimens of Fancy Turning* (1869)Beetle Carapaces in Basohli Miniature Paintings (ca. 1660–1700)
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Princeton Theological Seminary Library

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*Cultus Arborum: A Descriptive Account of Phallic Tree Worship* (1890)Bible Symbols (1908)The life and death of Mr. Badman presented to the world in a familiar dialogue between Mr. Wiseman and Mr. Attentive (1900 edition)The Whole Booke of Psalmes collected into Englishe Metre (1584)
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Smithsonian Libraries
Digital RightsMostly marked “public domain” or “not in copyright”
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The Getty
Digital RightsMostly marked “No Copyright - US”
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The Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries

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What Became of the Slaves on a Georgia Plantation? (1863)
Digital RightsMarked “not in copyright”
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U.S. Geological Survey Library

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Illustrations from The Six Voyages of John Baptista Tavernier (1678)The Six Voyages of John Baptista Tavernier (1678)
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US Army Corps of Engineers

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Ancient Courses: Harold Fisk’s Meander Maps of the Mississippi River (1944)
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US National Agricultural Library

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53 Stations of the Tōkaidō as Potted Landscapes (1848)
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University of Connecticut Libraries

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The Algonquin Legends of New England (1884)A Meditation upon a Broomstick (1711)Illustrated initials from a German fairytale book (1919 edition)
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University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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Digital RightsMarked “no restrictions”
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University of Rochester

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First Edition Pamphlet of Frederick Douglass’ “What to the Slave Is the 4th of July?” (1852)
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University of Wisconsin–Madison

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Chester Harding’s My Egotistigraphy (1866)
Digital RightsMarked “not in copyright”
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Villanova Digital Library

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Engravings from a French Ice-Skating Manual (1813)
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Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

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Between Frogs and Gods: Illustrations of Physiognomy
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Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon

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The Games and Pleasures of Childhood (1657)
Digital RightsMarked “public domain” with attribution request
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Brooklyn Museum

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Album of Seaweed Pictures (1848)
Digital RightsMarked “no known copyright”
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Camden Public Library

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Theresa Babb’s Photographs of Friendship (ca. 1898)
Digital RightsMarked “No Known Copyright”
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Cornell University Library

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Digital RightsMostly marked “not known copyright”
Rights CategoryNo Additional Rights or Attribution (for PJ Mode collection)
Fylkesarkivet i Sogn og Fjordane

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Lantern Slides of Norway (ca.1910)
Digital RightsMarked “no known copyright”
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National Library of Norway

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Marcus Selmer’s Photographs of 19th-Century Norwegians
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National Science and Media Museum

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SMU Central University Libraries

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Early Photographs of Juneteenth CelebrationsThe Flying Lighthouse of BarfleurRhyming Drugstore Advertisements (1885)
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The Field Museum Library

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Field Columbian Museum (1894–1920)
Digital RightsMarked “no known copyright”
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Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums

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Sessions for the Blind at Sunderland Museum
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University of Alberta Libraries

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Barnard’s Universal Criminal Cipher Code (1895)
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University of Leeds Library

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The Book of Bread (1903)
Digital RightsStates “free to use in any way permitted by copyright”
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University of Toronto Libraries
Digital RightsMostly marked “not in copyright” or no statement
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University of Victoria Libraries

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Herbert Geddes’ “Life in Japan” Collection: Hand-Coloured Glass Transparencies of the Meiji-Era
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Boston College Libraries

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The Fourth Dimension and the Bible (1922)Mazes and Labyrinths (1922)Sun Dials and Roses of Yesterday (1902)
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Boston Public Library
Digital RightsNo online label but confirmed by email that rights free
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Cushing/Whitney Medical Library

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Comparative Physiognomy: or, Resemblances Between Men and Animals (1852)Spectropia; or, Surprising Spectral Illusions (1865)
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Duke University Libraries

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Finnish National Gallery

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The Photographs of Hugo Simberg
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Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine
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McGill University Library

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On the Road: *The Woman and the Car* (1909)John Reynolds’ Book of Murder Tales (1621–1635)
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National Library of Sweden

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August Strindberg’s Celestographs (1893–4)
Digital RightsCC BY license
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Tekniska Museet

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Gustave Zander and the 19th-Century Gym
Digital RightsCC BY license
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Deutsche Fotothek

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Böckler’s Pleasure Garden Plans (1664)Hirschvogel’s Geometria (1543)Novum Instrumentum Geometricum (1607)Fortification Theory (1600)
Digital RightsCC BY-SA license
Rights CategoryAttribution-ShareAlike
Folger Shakespeare Library

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Chirologia, or The Natural Language of the Hand (1644)The Steps of LifeHighlights from Folger Shakespeare Library’s Release of almost 80,000 Images
Digital RightsCC BY-SA license
Rights CategoryAttribution-ShareAlike
Herzog August Bibliothek

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Philipp Hainhofer’s *Große Stammbuch* (1596–1633)Solid Objects: 16th-Century Geometric and Perspective Drawings
Digital RightsCC BY-SA license
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Max Planck Institute

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Chladni Figures (1787)
Digital RightsCC BY-SA license
Rights CategoryAttribution-ShareAlike
National Museum of Sweden

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Joseph Ducreux’s Self-Portraits (ca. 1790)
Digital RightsCC BY-SA license
Rights CategoryAttribution-ShareAlike
University of Southern California Libraries

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Photographs of the Los Angeles Alligator Farm (ca. 1907)
Digital RightsMarked “public domain” with attribution request
Rights CategoryAttribution

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Extracts from the Endeavour Journal of Joseph Banks (1769)
Digital RightsCC BY-SA license
Rights CategoryAttribution-ShareAlike
A/V Geeks Film Archive

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VD is for Everybody (1969)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryUnclear
Augustus C. Long Health Science Library

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Practical Hydrotherapy (1909)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryUnclear
Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University

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On *Sprezzatura*: Baldassare Castiglione’s *The Book of the Courtier* (1528)Glossary of Censored Words from a 1919 Treatise on LoveJohn O. Westwood’s Facsimiles of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manuscripts (1868)Images from The Champion Text Book on Embalming (1897)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryUnclear
Houston Public Library

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Early Photographs of Juneteenth Celebrations
Digital RightsMarked “copyright not evaluated”
Rights CategoryNo Additional Rights
John Carter Brown Library

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“A Sword was Seen in the Sky”: *A True and Wonderful Narrative* (1763)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryUnclear
Joseph Sablé Centre

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Émile-Antoine Bayard’s Illustrations for Around the Moon by Jules Verne (1870)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryUnclear
Ontario College of Art And Design

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Pictorial Atlas to Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey (1892)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryUnclear
Public Library of India

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Leave it to Psmith (1923)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryUnclear
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Library

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French Silk Sample Book (ca. 1900)The History of Ink: Including its Etymology, Chemistry, and Bibliography (1860)Book of French Textile Samples (1863)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryUnclear
The SALIS Collection

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Temperance Stories and Sketches (1879)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryNon-commercial
University of British Columbia Library

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Ikom Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria (1913)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryUnclear
University of Pittsburgh Library System

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The Memoirs of Lieut. Henry Timberlake (1765)A Burlesque Translation of Homer (1797)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryUnclear
Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine

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Horse Laughs (1891)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryUnclear
Wellesley College Library

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Arthur Wesley Dow’s Floating World: *Composition* (1905 edition)Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, an African (1784)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryUnclear
Winterthur Museum Library

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Catalogue from Belcher Mosaic Glass Co. (1886)
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement on Internet Archive
Rights CategoryUnclear
David Rumsey Historical Map Collection

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Levi Walter Yaggy’s Geographical Maps and Charts (1887/93)The Stream of Time (1803–58)Clouds of Unknowing: Edward Quin’s *Historical Atlas* (1830)Visualizing History: The Polish System
Digital RightsCC BY-NC-SA license but defines commercial only as sale of prints
Rights CategoryNon-commercial
Williams College

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Reciting Pictures: Buddhist Texts for the Illiterate
Digital RightsNo associated rights statement
Rights CategoryUnclear
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

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The Illuminated Sketchbook of Stephan Schriber (1494)
Digital RightsCC BY-NC-SA license
Rights CategoryNon-commercial
Bibliothèque nationale de France

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Digital RightsMarked “public domain” but restricts to non-commercial use
Rights CategoryNon-commercial
Yokohama City Central Library

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Flowers of Fire: Illustrations from Japanese Fireworks Catalogues (ca. 1880s)
Digital RightsPermission from source required for reuse
Rights CategoryUnclear
The Finnish Heritage Agency

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Season’s Bleatings: Finnish Photographs of the Nuuttipukki (1928)
Digital RightsCC BY license
Rights CategoryAttribution
Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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