The Nibelungenlied
By George Henry Needler, Translator
Twelfth Adventure - How Gunther bade Siegfried to the Feast
Now all time bethought her / royal Gunther’s wife: “How now doth Lady Kriemhild / lead so haughty life? In sooth her husband Siegfried / doth homage to us owe, But now full long unto us / little service he doth show.”
That in her heart in secret / eke she pondered o’er. That they were strangers to her / did grieve her heart full sore, And so seldom sign of service / came from Siegfried’s land. How it thus was fallen, / that she fain would understand.
She probed then the monarch, / if the thing might be, That she the Lady Kriemhild / once again might see. She spake it all in secret / whereon her heart did dwell; The thing she then did speak of / pleased the monarch passing well.
“How might we bring them hither" / –spake the mighty king– “Unto this my country? / ’Twere ne’er to do, such thing. They dwell too distant from us, / the quest I fear to make." Thereto gave answer Brunhild, / and in full crafty wise she spake:
“How high soe’er and mighty / king’s man were ever one, Whate’er should bid his master, / may he not leave undone." Thereat did smile King Gunther, / as such words spake she: Ne’er bade he aught of service, / oft as Siegfried he did see.
She spake: “Full loving master, / as thou hold’st me dear, Help me now that Siegfried / and thy sister fair Come to this our country, / that them we here may see; In sooth no thing could ever / unto me more welcome be.
“Thy sister’s lofty bearing / and all her courtesy, Whene’er I think upon it, / full well it pleaseth me, How we did sit together / when erst I was thy spouse! Well in sooth with honor / might she the valiant Siegfried choose.”
She pleaded with the monarch / so long till answered he: “Know now that guests none other / so welcome were to me. To gain thy wish ’tis easy: / straight messengers of mine To both shall message carry, / that hither come they to the Rhine.”
Thereto the queen gave answer: / “Now further shalt thou say, When thou them wilt summon, / or when shall be the day That our dear friends come hither / unto our country. Who’ll bear thy message thither, / shalt thou eke make known to me.”
“That will I,” spake the monarch. / “Thirty of my men Shall thither ride unto them." / The same he summoned then, And bade them with the message / to Siegfried’s land to fare. They joyed as gave them Brunhild / stately raiment rich to wear.
Then further spake the monarch: / “Ye knights from me shall bring This message, nor withhold ye / of it anything, Unto the doughty Siegfried / and eke my sister fair: In the world could never any / to them a better purpose bear.
“And pray them both that hither / they come unto the Rhine. With me will e’er my lady / such grace to pay combine, Ere turn of sun in summer / he and his men shall know That liveth here full many / to them would willing honor show.
“Unto royal Siegmund / bear greeting fair from me, That I and my friends ever / to him well-minded be. And tell ye eke my sister / she shall no wise omit Hither to friends to journey: / ne’er feast could better her befit.”
Brunhild and Ute / and ladies all at hand, They sent a fairest greeting / unto Siegfried’s land To winsome ladies many / and many a warrior brave. With godspeed from the monarch / and friends the messengers took leave.
They fared with full equipment: / their steeds did ready stand And rich were they attired: / so rode they from that land They hastened on the journey / whither they would fare; Escort safe the monarch / had bidden eke for them prepare.
Their journey had they ended / e’er three weeks were spent. At the Nibelungen castle, / whither they were sent, In the mark of Norway / found they the knight they sought, And weary were the horses / the messengers so far had brought.
Then was told to Siegfried / and to Kriemhild fair How knights were there arrived / who did raiment wear Like as in land of Burgundy / of wont the warriors dressed. Thereat did hasten Kriemhild / from couch where she did lying rest.
Then bade eke to a window / one of her maids to go. She saw the valiant Gere / stand in the court below, And with him his companions, / who did thither fare. To hear such joyous tidings, / how soon her heart forgot its care.
She spake unto the monarch: / “Look now thitherward Where with the doughty Gere / stand in the castle yard Whom to us brother Gunther / adown the Rhine doth send!" Thereto spake doughty Siegfried: / “With greeting fair we’ll them attend.”
Then hastened their retainers / all the guests to meet, And each of them in special / manner then did greet The messengers full kindly / and warmest welcome bade. Siegmund did likewise / o’er their coming wax full glad.
In fitting way was harbored / Gere and his men, And steeds in charge were taken. / The messengers went then Where beside Sir Siegfried / the Lady Kriemhild sat. To court the guests were bidden, / where them did greeting fair await.
The host with his fair lady, / straightway up stood he, And greeted fairly Gere / of the land of Burgundy And with him his companions / King Gunther’s men also. Gere, knight full mighty, / bade they to a settle go.
“Allow that first the message / we give ere sit we down; The while we’ll stand, though weary / upon our journey grown. Tidings bring we to you / what greetings high have sent Gunther and Brunhild / who live in royal fair content.
“Eke what from Lady Ute / thy mother now we’ve brought. The youthful Giselher / and also Sir Gernot And best among thy kinsmen / have sent us here to thee: A fairest greeting send they / from the land of Burgundy.”
“God give them meed,” spake Siegfried; / “Good will and faith withal I trow full well they harbor, / as with friends we shall; Likewise doth eke their sister. / Now further shall ye tell If that our friends beloved / at home in high estate do dwell.
“Since that we from them parted / hath any dared to do Scathe to my lady’s kinsmen? / That shall ye let me know. I’ll help them ever truly / all their need to bear Till that their enemies / have good cause my help to fear.”
Then spake the Margrave / Gere, a knight full good: “In all that maketh knighthood / right proud they stand of mood. Unto the Rhine they bid you / to high festivity: They’d see you there full gladly, / thereof may ye not doubtful be.
“And bid they eke my Lady / Kriemhild that she too, When ended is the winter, / thither come with you. Ere turn of sun in summer / trust they you to see." Then spake the doughty Siegfried: / “That same thing might hardly be.”
Thereto did answer Gere / of the land of Burgundy: “Your high mother Ute / hath message sent by me, Likewise Gernot and Giselher, / that they plead not in vain. That you they see so seldom / daily hear I them complain.
“Brunhild my mistress / and all her company Of fair maids rejoice them; / if the thing might be That they again should see you, / of merry mood they were." Then joy to hear the tidings / filled the Lady Kriemhild fair.
Gere to her was kinsman. / The host did bid him rest, Nor long were they in pouring / wine for every guest. Thither came eke Siegmund / where the strangers he did see, And in right friendly manner / spake to the men of Burgundy:
“Welcome be, ye warriors, / ye Gunther’s men, each one. Since that fair Kriemhild / Siegfried my son For spouse did take unto him, / we should you ofter see Here in this our country, / an ye good friends to us would be.”
They spake, whene’er he wished it, / full glad to come were they. All their mickle weariness / with joy was ta’en away. The messengers were seated / and food to them they bore, Whereof did Siegfried offer / unto his guests a goodly store.
Until nine days were over / must they there abide, When did at last the valiant / knights begin to chide That they did not ride thither / again unto their land. Then did the royal Siegfried / summon his good knights to hand.
He asked what they did counsel: / should they unto the Rhine? “Me unto him hath bidden / Gunther, friend of mine, He and his good kinsmen, / to high festivity. Thither went I full gladly, / but that his land so far doth lie.
“Kriemhild bid they likewise / that she with me shall fare. Good friends, now give ye counsel / how we therefor prepare. And were it armies thirty / to lead in distant land, Yet must serve them gladly / evermore Siegfried’s hand.”
Then answer gave his warriors. / “An’t pleaseth thee to go Thither to the festival, / we’ll counsel what thou do. Thou shalt with thousand warriors / unto Rhine river ride. So may’st thou well with honor / in the land of Burgundy abide.”
Then spake of Netherland / Siegmund the king: “Will ye to the festival, / why hide from me the thing! I’ll journey with you thither, / if it not displeasing be, And lead good thanes a hundred / wherewith to swell your company.”
“And wilt thou with us journey, / father full dear to me," Spake the valiant Siegfried, / “full glad thereat I’ll be. Before twelve days are over / from these my lands I fare." To all who’d join the journey / steeds gave they and apparel rare.
When now the lofty monarch / was minded thus to ride Bade he the noble messengers / longer not to bide, And to his lady’s kinsmen / to the Rhine a message sent, How that he would full gladly / join to make them merriment.
Siegfried and Kriemhild, / this same tale we hear, To the messengers gave so richly / that the burden could not bear Their horses with them homeward, / such wealth in sooth he had. The horses heavy-laden / drove they thence with hearts full glad.
Siegfried and Siegmund / their people richly clad. Eckewart the Margrave, / straightway he bade For ladies choose rich clothing, / the best that might be found, Or e’er could be procured / in all Siegfried’s lands around.
The shields and the saddles / gan they eke prepare, To knights and fair ladies / who with them should fare Lacked nothing that they wished for, / but of all they were possessed. Then to his friends led Siegfried / many a high and stately guest.
The messengers swift hasted / homeward on their way, And soon again came Gere / to the land of Burgundy. Full well was he received, / and there dismounted all His train from off their horses / before the royal Gunther’s Hall.
Old knights and youthful squires / crowded, as is their way, To ask of them the tidings. / Thus did the brave knight say: “When to the king I tell them / then shall ye likewise hear." He went with his companions / and soon ’fore Gunther did appear.
Full of joy the monarch / did from the settle spring; And did thank them also / for their hastening Brunhild the fair lady. / Spake Gunther eagerly: “How now liveth Siegfried, / whose arm hath oft befriended me?”
Then spake the valiant Gere: / “Joy o’er the visage went Of him and eke thy sister. / To friends was never sent A more faithful greeting / by good knight ever one, Than now the mighty Siegfried / and his royal sire have done.”
Then spake unto the Margrave / the noble monarch’s wife: “Now tell me, cometh Kriemhild? / And marketh yet her life Aught of the noble bearing / did her erstwhile adorn?" “She cometh to thee surely," / Gere answer did return.
Ute straightway the messengers / to her did command. Then might ye by her asking / full well understand To her was joyous tidings / how Kriemhild did betide. He told her how he found her, / and that she soon would hither ride.
Eke of all the presents / did they naught withhold, That had given them Siegfried: / apparel rich and gold Displayed they to the people / of the monarchs three. To him were they full grateful / who thus had dealt so bounteously.
“Well may he,” quoth Hagen, / “of his treasure give, Nor could he deal it fully, / should he forever live: Hoard of the Nibelungen / beneath his hand doth lie. Heigh-ho, if came it ever / into the land of Burgundy!”
All the king’s retainers / glad they were thereat, That the guests were coming. / Early then and late Full little were they idle, / the men of monarchs three. Seats builded they full many / toward the high festivity.
The valiant knight Hunold / and Sindold doughty thane Little had of leisure. / Meantime must the twain, Stands erect full many, / as their high office bade. Therein did help them Ortwein, / and Gunther’s thanks therefor they had.
Rumold the High Steward / busily he wrought Among them that did serve him. / Full many a mighty pot, And spacious pans and kettles, / how many might ye see! For those to them were coming / prepared they victuals plenteously.