Apple to ditch IBM, switch to Intel chips | Tech News on ZDNet: "Apple Computer plans to announce Monday that it's scrapping its partnership with IBM and switching its computers to Intel's microprocessors, CNET has learned."
"Apple plans to move lower-end computers such as the Mac Mini to Intel chips in mid-2006 and higher-end models such as the Power Mac in mid-2007... Motorola spinoff Freescale currently makes PowerPC processors for Apple notebooks and the Mac Mini... Apple openly criticized IBM for chip delivery problems... One advantage Apple has this time: The open-source FreeBSD operating system, of which Mac OS X is a variant, already runs on x86 chips such as Intel's Pentium. And Jobs has said Mac OS X could easily run on x86 chips."
Quest'ultima frase è linkata a questa dichiarazione di Jobs.
"...IBM loses cachet with the end of the Apple partnership, but it can take consolation in that it's designing and manufacturing the Power family processors for future gaming consoles from Microsoft, Sony and Ninendo... according to Dean McCarron of Mercury Research..., Apple has roughly 1.8 percent of the worldwide PC market.. Apple shipped 1.07 million PCs in the first quarter".