BBC NEWS | Technology | Sex sites get dedicated net home: "Pornographic websites are about to get their own online home. A proposal to create net domains ending .xxx has been approved by the body that oversees the net's addressing system. Sexually explicit sites will be encouraged to move to the new domains to make it easier for people to filter and avoid them."
"...Icann has rejected the proposal on several occasions before now. In an early report on the idea, Icann experts said the proposal did not "meet an unmet need" because adult content was readily available on the internet.
A report on the proposal noted: "no mechanism (technical or non-technical) exists to require adult content to migrate from existing [domains] to an .xxx [domain].
...ICM Registry might face problems in getting people to sign up, said Mr Robinson.
"If you have a very successful porn site running off a particular domain name you are going to be reluctant to change that," he said.
Icann also rejected the idea because of worries that eventually all sites dealing with sexual matters, including sex education sites or those that support victims of sexual abuse, would be forced to use the .xxx domain and, as a result, be harder to find.
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