BBC NEWS | Technology | Fake Bin Laden e-mail hides virus: "Users are being warned not to open junk e-mail messages claiming Osama Bin Laden has been captured. The messages claim to contain pictures of the al-Qaeda leader's arrest but anyone opening the attachment will fall victim to a Microsoft Windows virus... Anyone opening the attachments or visiting the website will get a version of the Psyme trojan installed on their PC.
The vulnerability exploited by Psyme is found in Windows 2000, 95, 98, ME, NT, XP and Windows Server 2003. Users were urged to update their version of Windows to close the loophole. This latest virus is the third to use the name of the al-Qaeda leader to trick people into opening it.
In July last year an e-mail began circulating that claimed to link to a website holding a video of Bin Laden's suicide. Another virus circulating in November 2004 posed as a video message from the al-Qaeda leader. "
Altre info da The Register:
"The bogus emails attempt to seed infection of a new downloader Trojan, Small-AXR, contained in a pics.scr file within a zip attachment of the fraudulent messages."