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Despite Bloomberg’s claim, there is no hard evidence that “Russia will quit International Space Station over sanctions”

Bloomberg is claiming that “Russia Will Quit International Space Station Over Sanctions” in an article dated April 30, 2022. The article states that Dmitri Rogozin, head of Russia’s space program, “said Moscow will pull out of the International Space Station”.

The source for this claim, according to Bloomberg, is Russian “state media”, specifically “an interview with state TV on Saturday” which Bloomberg says has been reported by TASS and Ria Novosti.

However, the English edition of TASS on April 29 quoted Rogozin as saying that if Russia decided to withdraw from the ISS project, it would notify its foreign partners about this decision a year in advance” (emphasis added).

TASS also adds that “Rogozin reiterated that a package of proposals on Russia’s cooperation with foreign partners on the ISS project after the year of 2024 was sent to Russian President Vladimir Putin and the country’s government.”

Moreover, another TASS interview with Rogozin, in Russian and dated April 29, 2022, states that “currently there is a decision of the Russian government to extend cooperation with [ISS] partners until 2024”. There is no mention of anything close to “Moscow will pull out of the International Space Station” as claimed by Bloomberg.

At the time of this writing, Bloomberg has not responded to my request for the exact source of the “will quit” statement it attributes to Rogozin.

Unless Bloomberg can provide further evidence, its claim that Rogozin stated unequivocally that Russia will quit the ISS appears to be incorrect and is contradicted by other recent statements made by the head of the Russian space program.


Expert help needed to decode a rare piece of space history: the Lunokhod data tapes

Published initially on 2021/08/21. Latest update: 2021/08/27 19:10.

A trove of lost Lunokhod data may have been found.

Between 1970 and 1973, the Soviet space program achieved an amazing feat: landing and driving the first remote-controlled roving robots on the Moon. These two vehicles were called Lunokhod-1 and -2, and they gathered invaluable scientific data as well as images of the surface of the Moon during their unprecedented, and still unrivaled, total of 52 kilometers of remotely controlled lunar exploration.  

Figure 1. A Lunokhod rover exhibit. Credit: Petar Milošević/Wikipedia.

These data and images have been published only partially and with great quality losses due to analog duplication, and a large fraction is thought to be lost.

Figure 2. An example of already-known Lunokhod-1 image: a figure-of-eight drawn on the lunar surface by the rover’s operator to mark International Women's Day on March 8, 1971. Credit: RussianSpaceWeb.

It has now emerged that a set of tapes, believed to contain these recordings and reportedly salvaged from the Pulkovo observatory, still exists. It is in private hands and I am bound by journalistic confidentiality to protect the owner’s identity for the time being. More details will be made available as soon as I have the owner’s permission.

Expert help is now needed to decode the images and data stored on these tapes in analog form.

Are these tapes authentic?

A sample of these tapes (the one published below) has been made available to selected space historians and so far they have expressed no doubts as to the authenticity of the contents. It is unclear whether these are the original tapes or copies of the originals. Further investigation is needed to establish the full history of these recordings and of their media. With the owner’s permission, I am publishing here samples and images to allow anyone to assess the material.

What’s on the tapes?

The owner has not disclosed the full list of contents of the tapes to me so far. I have personally seen the printed material that accompanies one of the tapes and listened to a recording of a sample of the contents. This material has been examined by the above cited experts and appears to be a two-track audio tape.

The two separate tracks contain an analog audio recording of someone who, in a rather flat Russian voice, describes the topic of the data on one channel. The sample I have been given is presented below in full and refers to telemetry received in March 1971 during the rover’s fifth drive (March 9-20, covering 2,004 meters).

The voice is followed, on the other channel, by what I can only describe as modem-like or fax-like squeals and tones. Anyone familiar with cassette tape loading on a C64 or Spectrum will recognize the kind of sound. Then the voice resumes and is followed by more squeals and tones. These sounds presumably encode the slow-scan video images taken by the onboard cameras and the scientific data.

The sample is a selection of one of the tapes. The voice is recorded in reverse on the original tape and has been un-reversed in this sample after the first few seconds.

Figure 3. Audio sample from one of the tapes.

This is a transcript of this audio sample, kindly provided by Katya Pavlushchenko; The English translation is a blend of suggestions and annotations from Russian speakers and experts. Please let me know how to fix any mistakes (thank you, Vitaly Fedrushkov, Alexander J, Vladislav Kobychev and Slava Gilevich):

00:00-00:53 Sped-up, reversed human voice alternated with tones. The reversed voice says:
0:32-0:33 — Второй семь минут (Second seven minutes)
0:21-0:22 — Третий семь минут (Third seven minutes)
0:10-0:11 — Четвёртый семь минут (Fourth seven minutes)
0:03-0:04 — Пятый семь минут (Fifth seven minutes)
0:00-0:01 — Включение телеметрии (Turning on telemetry)

00:53 Продолжение пятьсот восьмого сеанса. 12 марта 1971 года. Начало в 20:00. Без РТ, без телеметрии, с панорамы, без СКУ, но кормой от солнца. Запись с первой стойки ФТ. (Continuation of the 508th session. March 12, 1971. Beginning at 20:00. Without RT, without telemetry, with panorama, without SKU [Service control channel], but stern [rear] from the sun. Recording from the first rack of FT equipment [method of panoramic television transmission of the surface of the Moon]

01:21 Выключена телеметрия. (Telemetry is disabled)

01:44 Включена рифма. (Turning on RIFMA [X-ray isotope fluorescence analysis method])

06:15 Первые четыре минуты (First four minutes)

Contributor Alexander J suggests that the recording may have been made on a 4-track monophonic tape recorder and that the first 40 seconds are recorded on the wrong track, so playback occurs in reverse.

Contributor Vitaly Fedrushkov suggests that a similar data set may exist somewhere in Russian scientific archives, in decoded and raw forms, and specifically references this document noting that it describes “‘25 on film, 27 printed photos and one CD-R' where CD-R may be result of tapes conversion and retirement”. I am trying to confirm this.

These are photographs of one of the tapes, mostly taken by me, and scans of part of the annotations that come with the tapes.

Figure 4. Translation provided by Vsevolod Putilov: “Transmission [/session] 109 of 13 May 1971. It has two parts, first part with TM, second part without TM. Length: 40' [probably minutes]. Photograph provided to me.

Figure 5. Scan provided to me.

According to contributor Alexander Varakosov, the scan shown above is an annotation of a communication session, probably dated November 20, 1970 (the third day on the surface). The time is indicated in hours minutes’ seconds” format, zeros omitted. In the left bottom corner, ”B-19” is circled and accompanied by the words “first command sent [or submitted]. The circled text at the top of the second column means “polarization reversal”. B-19, D-19 and other words may indicate operating modes, such as telemetry and so forth.

Figure 6. Photograph taken personally by me.

According to contributor Vsevolod Putilov, the text on the rear of the tape box in the photograph shown above says (annotations are in brackets):

Page 28 [in red; st usually stands for stranica, page]

Session 509. 13 March 1971. Beginning at 21:30 (approximately 46-48 minutes). Voiced (tape recorder of someone else) ending ~375-378 [seconds?]

[in pencil] On track 1 38 minutes of clear tape. 2 track - 47 minutes [illegible]

Session 512, 17 March 1971, beginning at 05:00 (~37 minutes) tape recorder of someone else, ending 272. Voiced.

Page 29 [in red]

Session 515 (after 512) 20 March 1971, Beginning 06-00

Page 30 [in red]

Tape recorder Chotniy (even) [Vsevolod notes: “I didn't find any model of tape recorder Chotniy, maybe it was name of a person, or special equipment, not sure about it.” Vitaly notes that “even” has the meaning of “even-numbered", as in “odd and even”. His guess here is that all units (racks, tape recorders, etc) were numbered sequentially, with even units assigned to one instance and odd units to another. This may also suggest that two sets of original records were available to the author of the note].

[in pencil] End of STO зел. [zel, del? maybe abbreviation, maybe green color, maybe it stands for STO division); bad recording MF [medium frequency, SV usually stands for medium radio band)].

Figure 7. Photograph taken personally by me.
Figure 8. Photograph taken personally by me.
Figure 9. According to contributor Vsevolod Putilov, this is the first page of instructions for storage and handling of magnetic tape. Photograph taken personally by me.

Figure 10. The meaning of this sheet is currently unknown. Photograph taken personally by me.

MAJOR UPDATE: additional recording available soon

2021/08/27: I have been given a digital transfer of another tape of the set, which lasts 28 minutes. I will make it available to selected researchers shortly. I am also contacting Russian space authorities to establish the authenticity of these recordings and whether other copies of these tapes exist.

How can you help?

The format of the video images and of the science data is currently unknown and it is unclear what the tapes actually contain. This provides four main avenues of investigation:

  • translating the Russian text shown in the photographs;
  • gathering information on how these tapes were recorded and how the data was encoded;
  • transcribing and translating what the taped voice says;
  • physically extracting the data and images from the tapes and presenting them in usable form.

If you have experience in these fields and are willing to help, please contact me at paolo.attivissimo@gmail.com. Thank you to all the people who have already responded: I am hoping that more material will be released by the owner of these tapes. This is the next step.

In the meantime, I have compiled a list of potentially useful technical references:

Articles in Russian on these tapes have been published at Habr.com and Naked-Science.ru

Full disclosure: I am not financially involved in this matter in any way. I am publishing this article and doing research on the subject purely out of historical interest.


#italyDidit: Did an Italian IT guy hack the US elections from Germany through “Fucino Tower”? Here are the facts so far

Latest update: 2021/01/12 4:30 CET. Una traduzione italiana è disponibile qui.

Quick summary: 

  • This is just a photo of a sheet of paper of unknown origin. No docket number, no source, no legal filing, nothing. Do you really want to trust it?
  • There is no such thing as a “Fucino Tower” in Italy. A “Fucino” satellite communications facility exists, but it has no towers. There is no building there known as “Fucino Tower”. Satellite communication stations are not radio towers. Never have been. They look like big dishes. They look like Arecibo, Jodrell Bank, Goldstone, Parkes. See for yourselves.
  • People with the names mentioned in the “affidavit” actually do exist in Italy, but that does not imply or prove that they committed electoral fraud in the US. You exist, your name is available online: if somebody used it in a made-up allegation, would that prove you’re guilty? Exactly.
  • An edited video of the alleged lawyer appears to be merely reporting that a person made a sworn statement before him; it is not evidence and it is not an endorsement by the lawyer.
  • The person who allegedly made the statement is a convicted criminal. Do you really want to trust the unsubstantiated words of a criminal?
  • Also, do you really want to claim that one IT guy in Italy was able to hack the voting system of your entire country? What are you, a bunch of amateurs? Do you realize how ridiculous this whole story sounds?
  • Please note that this article has been and will be rewritten extensively to include new information as it becomes available.

This started as a quick post/tweet that I wrote initially as a reply to General Michael T. Flynn’s tweet claiming that Italy stole the US elections, and it has since expanded considerably. Here’s Flynn’s tweet (subsequently deleted by Twitter’s removal of his account:

This claim is essentially based on this photograph of an alleged “affidavit” provided by a Prof. Alfio D’Urso, “Advocate/Lawyer” in Catania, Italy. The affidavit states (without evidence) that an Italian IT guy named Arturo D’Elia claims (again without evidence) that he switched US election data “from significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden” by using “military grade cyber warfare encryption capabilities to transmit switched votes via military satellite of Fucino Tower to Frankfurt Germany”:


Transcript of the affidavit


Region of Lazio

Country of Italy

I, Prof Alfio D’Urso, Advocate/Lawyer, of Via Vittorio Emanuele, Catania, 95131 Italy, do hearby provide the following affidavit of facts as conveyed in several meetings with a high level army security services official:

Arturo D’Elia, former head of the IT Department of Leonardo SpA, has been charged by the public prosecutor of Naples for technology/data manipulation and implantation of viruses in the main computers of Leonardo SpA in December 2020. D’Elia has been deposed by the presiding judge in Naples and in sworn testimony states on 4 November 2020, under instruction and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, undertook the operation to switch data from the US elections of 3 November 2020 from significant margin of victory from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals. Defendant stated he was working in the Pescara facility of Leonardo SpA and utilized military grade cyber warfare encryption capabilities to transmit switched votes via military satellite of Fucino Tower to Frankfurt Germany. The defendant swears that the data in some cases may have been switched to represent more than total voters registered. The defendant has stated he is willing to testify to all individuals and entities involved in the switching of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden when he shall be in total protection for himself and his family. Defendant states he has secured in an undisclosed location the backup of the original data and data switched upon instruction to provide evidence at court in this matter.

I hereby declare and swear the above stated facts have been stated in my presence.

DATED this 6th day of January 2021 at Rome, Italy.


General Affidavit


Information on Mr Alfio D’Urso (the lawyer)

There actually is a lawyer named Alfio D’Urso whose office address is in Via Vittorio Emanuele 5, in the city of Catania, Italy (source; source). Note that the office street number is missing from the “affidavit”. That’s a bizarre mistake for a lawyer in such an important legal document. Lawyer D’Urso’s details can be found by entering his surname (without the initial D) in this registry of Italian lawyers


A photograph of D’Urso can be found on the website of the University of Catanzaro, where he is listed as a professor (permanent copy):

A video has been released in which a person whose appearance matches this photograph essentially repeats in English the content of the “affidavit”:


In the video, which has an unexplained edit at 40 seconds from the start, Alfio D’Urso is presented as Legal Counsel / Supreme Court of Italy - Italian Tax Court / EU Banking Credit Foundation. If anyone can verify these credentials, please write to me or write in the comments below.

Assuming that the Alfio D’Urso mentioned in the “affidavit” is the same Alfio D’Urso whose office actually is in Via Vittorio Emanuele in Catania at number 5, it’s worth taking a look at the location in Google Street View. This is supposed to be the front door of the lawyer who is handling such a world-changing deposition? Seriously?

It’s the slightly underwhelming front door opposite the van.


A closeup, from another angle, of the plaque, which says “Studio legale D’Urso”.


Information on Mr Arturo D’Elia (the IT person and alleged hacker)

A man named Arturo D’Elia does exist, and he actually did work for Leonardo SpA. He was arrested on or around December 5, 2020 for stealing military project data in Italy in 2015-2017 (Reuters via Swissinfo). Of course, that in no way proves that he hacked the US elections.

Mr Alfio D’Urso is not Mr D’Elia’s lawyer, according to Mr D’Elia’s actual lawyer, Mr Nicola Naponiello, as reported by Open.online.

Based on the new data (in particular on the video), the explanation that currently best fits the facts is that lawyer Alfio D’Urso actually did draft the affidavit and actually did receive the statements it contains from Arturo D’Elia. If so, the lawyer would simply have certified that Arturo D’Elia made the statements before him; he would not be authenticating them or endorsing them in any way. He would be simply notarizing the statements made. In other words, the affidavit is not evidence of the authenticity of the claims made by D’Elia: it simply certifies that he made them in front of a witness.

I checked with a legal expert, and the situation is that a lawyer may certify that any statement was made before him by his client, whether with the intent of public disclosure or for legal proceedings (unless the lawyer knows for a fact that the statement is materially impossible, such as “I was born on the 30th of February”, in which case he might refuse to take the statement). The lawyer certifies that the statement was actually made; he does not certify its truthfulness

For example, if I go to a lawyer as his client and ask him to draft an affidavit in which he certifies that I have stated before him that I hacked the Pentagon with my super-secret computer given to me by aliens from the planet Gallifrey, the lawyer may think I’m nuts, but he is required to certify that statement and write the affidavit, which I can then publish. The affidavit, however, does not confirm that what I said is true: it merely certifies that I said it.

There’s also the matter of the term “Defendant” in the affidavit: it makes no sense, since there are no legal proceedings on the matters stated and therefore D’Elia is not a defendant.

It should also be noted that if D’Elia actually made these statements, he may have excellent reasons to make up this whole story: he is currently accused of a very important crime he committed years ago and therefore it would be very convenient for him to claim that he’s a super-witness in a high-profile international case. He might just be making it up because he’s a mythomaniac (i.e., he makes up stuff all the time). This would certainly not be the first case of a criminal concocting tall tales for his own benefit.


Other discrepancies and side notes

There are also many other inconsistencies in the claims made in the affidavit, such as the operations of the Dominion voting machines (which leave an unhackable paper trail). These details are available in Italian at Open.online.

Former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who is mentioned in the video linked by Mike Flynn as a co-conspirator (without evidence), has objected to the allegations, saying that he will seek legal remedy (ANSA).


For the record, this is the (slightly edited and updated) reply I tweeted to General Flynn before many of the details described above became available:

Hello sir, I'm Italian. To put it briefly and in the most technically accurate words I can find, this is the finest grade of bullshit.

It's a photograph of unknown origin, of a document written on plain paper (whereas all Italian legal documents are on legal paper and stamped a million times or at least on letterhead). If you believe *that* at face value, may I interest you in the Trevi Fountain? Fine specimen, one careful owner: the guy on the right.


[In case you don’t catch the reference: the guy is Italian comedian Totò, in a classic Italian comedy movie called Totò truffa ‘62. In the movie he is a con man who sells the world-famous Trevi Fountain, in Rome, to a highly gullible tourist]

The "affidavit" mentions a "military satellite of Fucino Tower", which is not a thing that exists (neither the satellite, nor the tower).

Also, that's not how US votes are counted. The tallies do not go through Germany.

As an Italian, the idea that some IT guy in Italy hacked the *entire* US voting system, and did so under the NSA's nose, is simply *hilarious*.

Italians are rolling on the floor laughing at this tale. Ah, yes, the ever gullible Americans. Do you read Italian? Have at it: there's even a LITERAL FLAT-EARTHER site involved in this. 

The video you linked claims that Mr Matteo Renzi was involved in this amazing operation. Just so you know, THIS is Mr Renzi. The alleged mastermind:

Sir, if you seriously believe that the US election system can be hacked in Germany by an Italian techie from a place that doesn't exist, in a plot orchestrated by a guy who can't even pronounce "because", then it clearly doesn't take much to be a general in the US.

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Pronta l’edizione aggiornata e impaginata di “Moon Hoax: Debunked!”: PDF gratuito

È pronta da scaricare la versione impaginata integrale di Moon Hoax: Debunked!, l’edizione inglese dei mio libro di risposta alle tesi di complotto lunare; la trovate presso l’apposito sito Moonhoaxdebunked.com.

È disponibile sia come PDF (ad alta risoluzione e a media risoluzione), sia direttamente online, come pagine Web sfogliabili, presso lo stesso sito.

La versione PDF, impaginata da Gabriella Cordone Lisiero, è stampabile (anche in fronte/retro) e include codici QR e link abbreviati per i contenuti video, in modo da poterla leggere su carta e guardarne i video sul telefonino.

Buona lettura, vostra o dei vostri conoscenti dubbiosi e/o complottisti che capiscono l’inglese.


“Moon Hoax: Debunked!” now updated and free

I‘ve just finished updating my 2013 online book Moon Hoax: Debunked!, which provides clear, in-depth answers to the most popular misconceptions and conspiracy theories regarding the Apollo moon landings.

The past sales and donations related to this book have allowed me to revise and extend it, convert it and post its full text online for free. You can read it at Moonhoaxdebunked.com.

As the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing is quickly approaching and will inevitably revive all the "moon hoax" theories and theorists, I thought that it would be useful to have a debunking resource readily available to anyone. So my book is now online and anyone can read it, search its text, and use it to dispel doubts and discover (or rediscover) a fantastic adventure.

This new edition is entirely donation-supported: if you would like your name, nickname or company name to appear in the public donor list included in the book, make a donation and let me know how you want to be listed or if you prefer to stay unlisted. Or just read it, debug it, and let me what you think of it.

Ad astra!


An interview with Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica) at FedCon

The organizers of Fedcon, the huge science fiction/fantasy/science convention that was held in Bonn last May, kindly arranged an interview with Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck in Battlestar Galactica) for me during the convention, which hosted most of BSG’s cast as well as many other actors from Star Trek, Stargate and scientists from the European Space Agency.

Katee’s most recent movie project, 2036 Origin Unknown, has just become available:

As a Battlestar Galactica fan, it was a pleasure for me to meet Katee in FedCon’s perfectly organized and pleasantly quiet interview room. She is as spontaneous and delightful in person as she is captivating on screen.

Since I was at FedCon as a science writer (I write for Le Scienze, the Italian edition of Scientific American), my questions were focused more on science than on science fiction, so this is perhaps a rather unusual interview. Here it is in full: minor edits have been made for clarity. I'd like to thank Lisa “AlcoholicRobot” for the transcript.

P: First of all, what's your relationship with science and technology? Are you an Android person? Or an iPhone person?

K: So, uhm, I am terribly bad at technology. All technology scares me. I have an iPhone, only because I tried to switch to an Android and my iPhone wouldn’t... My number wouldn't go to the new phone and all my SMSs weren't coming through... It was a nightmare and I was in Dubai and I couldn't get numbers, so I took the SIM out and went and bought an iPhone and popped it back in an iPhone in Dubai, it was like "phew". So yes, if I could have a flip phone I would...

P: You would go back to a flip phone?

K: Oh, God, in a heartbeat!

P: My wife has one, yes.

K: I hate that we live in a world where you are instantaneously findable and if you’re not accessible people get mad at you, you know? Or they'll send you an e-mail and when you don't respond immediately... they won't call you, they'll just send you another e-mail, and it's like, but I don't check my phone first thing in the morning. So, yeah, I am really bad at technology. Trying to find an oven, now, is the hardest thing you will ever have to do, because there are smart ovens. I don’t want a smart oven, I want to turn on and my oven gets hot and I don't need my oven to tell me how to roast a chicken, I don't need my oven to tell me, you know, when to turn my pan if I'm making cookies... I just want to turn the darn thing on. It's hard, they don't exist.

P: I know, I know, my wife has the same problem! Second question: talking about technology, you’re a motorcycle enthusiast.

K: Yes.

P: Have you tried electric motorcycles yet?

K: I have actually never tried an electric motorcycle.

Credit: Zero Motorcycles.

P: Would you?

K: No.

P: (laughing) Why?

K: It actually has everything to do, in my opinion, with safety. So I'm a firm believer that loud pipes save lives. And I think that the louder the motorcycle, the more visible you become, especially in Los Angeles. So it is... I don't know if I would want to go on something that's so quiet, you know, I mean, I almost got hit by a Prius the other day because I couldn't hear it as a person crossing the street. So I can't imagine, you know, with cars switching lanes as readily as they do in Los Angeles that you wouldn't sort of, be in harm’s way. That being said, I do like the mechanical bicycles because it can help you get up a hill.

P: You’d never try an electric? Even on a racing circuit?

K: Yeah, of course I would, in a contained environment absolutely, and at some point we may have no choice, I mean I don't think in our lifetimes, but maybe in our children's children's lifetimes, you know, petrol won't exist, so...

P: This leads to my third question: you're very keen on environmental issues, your Acting Outlaws initiatives are wonderful. You're doing a lot for animals and for nature in general. Would you like to talk about that?

K: Yes, absolutely, so Tricia Helfer [Number Six in Battlestar Galactica] and I started the company Acting Outlaws. We really were searching for a way to sort of marry our love of motorcycle riding with philanthropic goals, and it sort of just happened easily actually and seamlessly. When the Gulf oil spill happened in Louisiana, we wanted to raise awareness somehow, because it was a year later and people had... Our news cycles are so current, they're so quick and fast-paced that, you know, a year after something people don't talk about it anymore, a week after something people don't talk about it anymore. So we wanted to raise awareness that oil was still an issue, and so we rode the motorcycles from Los Angeles to Louisiana and we sort of talked about it on the way there, and we met a lot of really interesting people.

One of the best people that we met was a cattle rancher on our way there through Texas, really lovely man. We stopped on the side of the road and he came out ’cause we was like "What are these people doing?", it was a very isolated road, and he came out in his bathrobe and was like "What are you guys doing?" And we explained him what we were doing and, you know, in Texas, a cattle rancher wrote us a check for fifty dollars for an environmental cause, which to us was so polar opposite because, you know, industrialized farm animals are some of the biggest pollutants to the environment, and then you sort of think about Texas and you think about big trucks and lots of industrial farm animals and that's just sort of where your mind stereotypically goes to. And so to have this person sort of come out and throw that in our faces and make us sort of go "Ok, the environment matters to everyone". Everyone needs to make a living, and that's what this person does but that was a really cool moment for us and we sort of realized that what we were doing was important, the environment is important and we only get one planet, like, one body so if we destroy it...

P: There's no planet B.

K: We're not gonna go somewhere else, you know, it's what we're leaving in this place as for our children and generations to come is a sad, sad state and we're gonna leave them with something that is irreversible. The problem with global warming is that it should've just been called climate change from the very beginning, because people don't associate the planet getting warmer with climate change. But what they don't seem to realize is that global warming is just temperatures extremes and fluctuations and irregularities, and yes, there is a natural progression to the earth and we are just cycling back and yes, we can make all these arguments, but human beings are exacerbating and we’re speeding it up, so I think it's our duty to sort of try and protect the earth the way that she's protecting us.

P: Do you have time for one more? Final question?

K: Yes.

P: In your role, acting in science fiction, this has given you a platform of visibility. Do you think that this is helping you to also communicate science? You're breaking the barrier, instead of preaching to the choir, to people who are already interested in science, and bringing new people in? What kind of reaction do you get?

K: I think so a little bit, I think as actors we sort of need to know our place a little bit as well, I think that there are a certain group of people that want actors to just be actors and not have an opinion and not open our mouths because that’s not what they are following us for, which I completely understand that, and then there are another group of people that want us to use that platform for something greater than ourselves. Being in science fiction, I think the funny thing is people just assume I'm intelligent. And they just assume that I know things and that I love science and I read the New England Journal on a daily basis, and I know everything about new science or whatever. I have a high school diploma. Everything I learned in my mind is self-learned and from world travel and talking to people and trying to be a sponge. So I do believe that I do have a voice and I try to use that, but I think if anyone is looking for scientific knowledge they should look at people that are much more educated than I am and then I will dissect that information and put it in a palatable, more understandable form.

P: That’s wonderful! Thank you very much.

We chatted off the record a little longer and then my time was up. Final surprise: as I said goodbye and left the interview room, a familiar face appeared. It belonged to Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, who was also on stage at Fedcon to talk about her experience in space. She posted a wonderfully geeky tweet with Katee Sackhoff:

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Fatal Tesla crash in Switzerland: a local report

by Paolo Attivissimo. An Italian version of this article is available here. Una versione in italiano di questo articolo è disponibile qui.

A 48-year-old German driver died in the crash of his Tesla Model S on the A2/E35 highway in Canton Ticino, Switzerland, on May 10. Rescuers were unable to extract the driver and the car was completely destroyed by the fire that followed the accident. The crash has attracted considerable media attention locally and raised concerns about the safety of electric cars in general and Teslas in particular.

I share those concerns on a very personal level, as I own an electric car (not a Tesla, but a much more modest Peugeot iOn). More importantly, I live close to the accident site and travel often on that same stretch of highway.

The basic facts

The accident occurred at this location on the A2/E35 highway near Monte Ceneri, on the northbound roadway (I’m using US English terms) around 3:30 pm local time. No other cars were involved.

This is an annotated Google Maps screenshot of the area: north is up and the northbound roadway is the lower part of the highway, with northbound traffic traveling left to right. The two-way road below is the state road (strada cantonale), which is not involved.

The crash site is just after a tunnel (bottom left in the screenshot above), where road work is currently being carried out and therefore northbound traffic is split: the left (overtaking) lane is diverted onto the southbound roadway, while the right lane stays on the northbound roadway.

I took this video today, traveling exactly along the same route and lane used by the Tesla driver. I traveled at exactly 78 km/h (21.6 m/s), using cruise control to maintain speed. The local speed limit is 80 km/h (about 50 mph). The camera was fixed to my windscreen and was not operated by me. Road signs and barrier placement may have been changed slightly since the day of the accident. There are no large impact marks on the guardrails and there are few signs of skid marks.

Quick timeline and distance references:

  • 0:08 First road sign (on the right) warning of lane change ahead.
  • 0:30 Second road sign (on the right) warning of lane change; 80 km/h (50 mph) speed limit overhead (it’s a reminder; speed limit is already 80 km/h before entering the tunnel). Notice how many drivers are disregarding the speed limit.
  • 0:41 Twin speed limit signs at roadside (left and right).
  • 0:51 Speed limit sign at tunnel exit.
  • 0:57 Road divides with an S-turn. Notice yellow chevrons placed by police survey agents after the crash. Distance from tunnel exit is about 150 meters (6 seconds at 78 km/h).
  • 1:01 Road straightens.
  • 1:04 Fresh tarmac, diagonal white lines on the right lane and missing green markers on right guardrail suggest that this is where the car came to a stop and burned. This location is about 160 meters from where the road divides.
  • 1:35 Diagonal burn mark on lane, possibly unrelated to accident, since it is 820 meters from tunnel exit (38 seconds at 78 km/h). The car may have been moved here.

According to the initial police report published in local media (Tio.ch), the car overturned and was traveling south. However, photographs of the car on fire clearly show its B-pillar (the vertical part of the car body between the front and rear doors) standing upright and indicate that the location of the accident was a northbound lane.

Other photographs, provided to me confidentially, show that the car clearly was not overturned in the initial stage of the fire and that its rear end was turned in the direction of travel. It would appear that the initial police report is incorrect regarding the overturning and the southbound travel.

One eyewitness reported confidentially that the car was traveling above the local speed limit, hit the lane divider and went into a spin, splitting at the front.

Credit: Tio.ch/Rescue Media. Travel direction is to the right.
Credit: Tio.ch reader. Travel direction is to the right.

Was the Tesla on Autopilot?

Currently it is not known whether the car’s driver assistance feature known as Autopilot was active or not.

At first glance, the circumstances of the crash (road works with possibly confusing surface markings, excellent visibility and weather) would seem to suggest a crash induced by excessive reliance on Autopilot’s lane-following functions. However, when I drove through that very narrow S-curve with my car (much smaller than a Tesla Model S) at just below the speed limit I found that it required careful handling, as you can see in the video, even though the S-curve had been made less sharp after the accident, so perhaps the crash may have just been caused by the excessive speed at which the Tesla (a much wider car) was reportedly being driven.

Therefore, it is unwise, at this point, to blame Autopilot or the driver. In view of the loss of life, I believe that the matter should be treated with caution and respect.

It should be stressed that the driver is required to be vigilant at all times during Autopilot use, as stated repeatedly in the car’s manual and on the car’s display every time Autopilot is enabled.

Why the raging fire?

Media attention has focused on the unusual intensity of the fire. As reported by Ticinonews, the Fire Brigade of Bellinzona stated that “the violent impact of the lithium ion batteries probably caused a phenomenon known as thermal runaway, i.e., a rapid and unstoppable increase in temperature”.

This is a well-known characteristic of all electric cars: for example, during the filming of The Grand Tour, Richard Hammond’s notorious accident in a Rimac Concept One triggered a catastrophic fire.

This is clearly a concern to all electric car owners, such as myself. However, it should be noted that petrol cars, too, can burn very dramatically: they are, after all, carrying a substantial amount of highly flammable fuel in a tank. Some petrol car makers have been forced to issue recalls due to the risk of fire (for example Lamborghini). Here are a few examples of non-electric car fires.

Not an electric car (Lamborghini).

Also not an electric car (McLaren).

A petrol car.

Another petrol car.

Recently, on May 8, 2018, a Mercedes Citaro bus burned to destruction, as reported by Repubblica:

In other words, any engine-driven vehicle can catch fire. While battery fires tend to be more intense and harder to extinguish than fuel-related fires, the risk of a raging blaze is always present, regardless of the power source. That is why many countries require or recommend having a fire extinguisher on board. All drivers, not just electric drivers, should bear this in mind.

Trapped inside by Tesla’s automatic doors?

This Swiss accident, with its fatal outcome, has prompted another concern, which specifically involves Teslas: the Model S has retractable door handles and a complex power-driven door opening system. Did this system hinder any attempts to extract the driver?

Tesla claims that Model S door handles are extended automatically if an event triggers airbag inflation, as explained in the Model S Emergency Response Guide, page 23: “When an airbag inflates, Model S unlocks all doors, unlocks the trunk, and extends all door handles”.

A crash-tested Model S presents its door handles.

However, this is not always true, at least according to these crash tests (for example at 2:30 and 2:54):

Rear doors also have a mechanical release cable located just below the rear seats. All Tesla drivers should get acquainted with these emergency procedures, and there are specific guides for firefighters and first responders.

These emergency mechanisms, however, can only function if the doors are not too damaged and distorted to open.

It is unclear at present why the driver in this Swiss accident was not extracted from the car.

So now what? Mitigation strategies

Understandably, many electric car drivers are shaken by this accident, and so are many people who are considering a switch to an electric car. It seems there is at least one bitter lesson to be learned: whether electric or fuel-driven, we are all riding on highly flammable vehicles, which despite the best efforts of safety designers will fail if they are subjected to sufficiently catastrophic impacts. That is something we all tend to push to the back of our minds.

We should treat our cars with more respect for their limitations and perhaps consider a few simple precautions to reduce the risk of finding ourselves in a catastrophic situation: lower speeds, greater attentiveness, emergency training, a fire extinguisher, and a belt-cutter/window-breaker tool, just in case professional rescuers aren’t immediately available.

Rescue should always be left to professionals, of course, but in an emergency it may be useful to know some basic procedures, such as the ones presented in these videos. Be safe.

Sources: Incendio sul Ceneri: "Ecco perché è stato così violento", Ticinonews; Tesla collabora con la polizia ticinese, Tio.ch; Auto in fiamme sul Ceneri, morto il conducente, Tio.ch; Rogo A2, batterie in causa, Rsi.ch; "Ecco perché ha preso fuoco velocemente", Gdp.ch; Un sorpasso azzardato, poi lo schianto, Tio.ch.


Entire Italian debunking site Butac.it taken offline by court order due to one disputed article

Butac.it, one of Italy’s leading debunking sites, was taken completely offline Friday morning (local time) by order of the Court of Bologna. All of its content is now unreachable and has been replaced with this notice.

Its founder, Michelangelo Coltelli, says that this extreme measure is linked to a defamation lawsuit filed in relation to a single article published in 2015 by a registered physician who promotes holistic medicine on Italian TV. Here is Coltelli’s public statement, translated verbatim: “A month ago we received notice of a libel action for a 2015 article. The action did not demand the removal of the article, which therefore remained online. However, the Public Prosecutor of Brindisi evidently deemed that the entire site must be seized because of that single article. The damage to BUTAC’s image is clearly great. The article mentioned a registered physician who peddled holistic medicine on TV (RAI channels). The only thing that can be useful is that many of you get the word out.”

In a public tweet (shown below), BUTAC's admin added that “We’re working with our lawyers toward a repeal of the seizure order. We place our trust in the institutions, with which we have worked more than once when asked. In the meantime, please be patient and we hope you understand.” This tweet refers to the work done pro bono by Coltelli for the President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies as part of the Bastabufale (“Enough hoaxes”) initiative to contrast the fake news phenomenon in Italian media and online.

Taking an entire site offline due to a single disputed article is unusual, and the takedown has been reported by several prominent Italian media outlets (Il Post, TGCom24, Vice, La Stampa, Repubblica, Giornalettismo), including the national news agency ANSA. Noted Italian journalist and La7 news chief editor Enrico Mentana has stated on Facebook that “taking down a whole informational site is a grave measure, almost like a Fascist censorship”.

This story is developing and further details will be posted as soon as they become available.

Update (7 April): National TV channel Rai reported on the takedown, adding that the Federazione Nazionale della Stampa (the Italian union of journalists) has described the seizure of the entire Butac website as “shocking and disproportionate”.

Update (10 April): Butac.it is now back online, with the exception of the article in dispute, which relates to holistic physician Claudio Pagliara.

Full disclosure: I am a personal friend and colleague of Butac.it’s founder, Michelangelo Coltelli, and I, too, have worked pro bono with the President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies on the same assignment.


“Into Darkness”: please, don’t call it “Star Trek”

Background: Several months ago I was contacted by the official Italian Star Trek Magazine to write a review of Star Trek Into Darkness. The magazine explicitly asked me to write an extended negative review (the editors knew how I felt about the movie), intending to publish it alongside a favorable one in the same issue so as to encourage a debate on the merits of Into Darkness. I wrote my review in Italian and then translated it into English, since all official Star Trek magazine material has to be translated for approval by the US headquarters. I have just been told that my review has not been approved, so I am now free to post it here (the Italian version is here). Feel free to agree or disagree with it.


Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to hide a starship on the bottom of the ocean?” exclaims a furious Scotty shortly after the beginning of Into Darkness.

Yes, Scotty, we do. We realize all too well. It's supremely ridiculous, and that's exactly the problem. It makes no sense in the movie's context and it's blindingly obvious that the scene was conceived merely because having the Enterprise rise out of the water would look so cool. With this single line, Into Darkness has defined itself perfectly and completely: a series of spectacular but totally absurd scenes. I have known and loved Star Trek for forty years, and this, I'm sad to say, is not Star Trek.

Star Trek has always had a special place in my heart, as a fan of science fiction, because it was the exact opposite of this movie: it presented situations that were seldom spectacular but almost always had a deep meaning. It made you think. It didn't really matter that the sets were clearly made of papier-mâché and the phaser beams made little squiggly splashes, because the stories (not all of them, but nearly all) left something in you. Alongside the wonder of cosmic adventure there was a morality play.

Bele and Lokai (Let That Be Your Last Battlefield) pointed out the hypocritical absurdity of racism and of all discrimination. The pointlessness of the Cold War was the theme of A Taste of Armageddon; more recently, the Next Generation episode The Measure of a Man made us think about how we define being human, with all its implications for slavery and for intelligence in other living creatures (and, in the future, in artificial life), and Voyager's Tuvix raised the question of the right to life with the tangible drama of an example that only a science fiction context could provide. And then there were characters that you grew fond of because they had depth: they were imperfect, fallible, torn by inner conflicts: in other words, human.

There's none of this in Into Darkness. I'll steer clear of the tirades, already made eloquently by other commentators, on the lens flares that dazzle you obsessively and on the huge plot holes. A model of the top-secret dreadnought in full view in the Starfleet conference room? Never mind. There's a portable transporter device that can reach instantly the heart of the Klingon Empire from Earth, yet everyone insists on flying around in starships? Oh, well. With all of Starfleet's technology, with cellphones that can call the other side of the galactic quadrant, there's no way to rig a remote control, a timer or a robot to activate the bomb on Nibiru and a human being has to be lowered into the volcano? And there's no one apart from Spock who can perform this simple task? I'll turn a blind eye. All Star Trek movies have inconsistencies of this kind, if you delve deep enough. Sure, here the inconsistencies hit you like a spade in the face, with no delving required, but let he who is without sin cast the first stone. As always, one can dismiss these things if the story as a whole works, has an enthralling theme and intriguing characters.

The trouble with Into Darkness is that the story just doesn't work at all (despite the actors, especially Benedict Cumberbatch, doing their very best with what little they're given): there's no underlying theme. The characters are cookie-cutter surrogates that do whatever the script requires. A few examples: McCoy, in the midst of a crisis, with Khan next to him in Sickbay arguing with Kirk, starts messing about with infusions of Khan's blood in a dead tribble. Does he really have to do that right now? Well, yes, because the script requires it: he'll soon need this totally irrelevant tinkering to revive Kirk. Other than that, the scene makes no sense at all. Spock Prime says that he has made a vow not to reveal the future, but then he backpedals abruptly and spills the beans about Khan. So much for Vulcan vows, then. Young Spock doesn't tell Kirk that there's an impostor on board (the advanced weapons specialist, no less) because he was waiting for this news to become “relevant”. Because having an impostor on the Enterprise in the midst of a covert operation isn't necessarily relevant. Seriously?

However, for a lifelong fan like myself, the worst sin of Into Darkness is that it takes characters as cherished by generations of fans as Spock, Kirk and McCoy and abuses them completely. In the fundamental metaphor of Star Trek, Spock represents the cold rationality of a brilliant mind, McCoy stands for the emotions of a person who thinks with his heart first, and Kirk is the balance and ideal blending of both. He listens to both his heart and his reason and then decides. That's why Kirk, Spock and McCoy have worked so well as characters for decades: they reflect and embody our timeless inner dilemmas. But in Into Darkness, Spock is just a generic, pedantic alien who defeats Khan not with his intellect, but in a fist fight, and who upon seeing Pike about to die rapes him with a forced mind-meld. McCoy is there just to make grumpy one-liners (oh, and to inject Khan blood into dead tribbles for the heck of it). Kirk is a scared kid, unable to decide and incompetent, but he's so cute and blessed by outrageous good luck; there's no inkling of his future greatness.

Remember Original Series Kirk's words to Carolyn Palamas in Who Mourns for Adonais? When he reminds her that we're ephemeral creatures, briefly suspended in an infinite universe, and that therefore all that really matters is that fleeting moment of humanity shared with the ones we love? Or his speech to the inhabitants of Vendikar and Eminiar about the need to return them to the horrors of real war in order to induce them to make peace? Powerful, stirring words, that make the audience think while they carry the story to its conclusion. Now compare these examples with Kirk's lines in Into Darkness. Go on, do it. I'll wait here.

Done? Now listen to the ending of the movie, when Kirk recites the Captain's Oath. This is supposed to be the final moral of Into Darkness, indeed its call, as Kirk defines it, but listen to it carefully. Here it is verbatim: Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her five-year mission: to explore strange, new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before. What? All Starfleet captains take the oath by referencing the voyages of the Enterprise? Actually, that's not even an oath at all. Moreover, Spock says shortly after that theirs is the first five-year mission ever. Then why is it already mentioned in the Captain's Oath? These script lines make no sense. They called it Into Darkness because they wrote it while fumbling in the dark.

These are not the characters, the themes and the stories that we Trekkers have grown to love. They're poorly written travesties peddled as replacement for the originals. Maybe for those of you who aren't familiar with those originals this is not a problem. But I have to say, honestly and with regret, that I feel betrayed. Call it anything you want, but don't call it Star Trek, because it's not Star Trek. It's just the umpteenth spectacular movie with explosions and fights in a sci-fi context that's been overused. Khan kills Marcus by crushing the admiral's head with his bare hands? Blade Runner. The heroes are chased by primitive natives from which they've stolen a sacred artifact? Raiders of the Lost Ark. The spaceship narrowly squeezes through a tight passage? Return of the Jedi. There's a bomb to be defused by working delicately on its mechanisms? Don't worry: yanking all the wires at the last minute will save the day, as usual.

With this kind of totally predictable cliches, with rambling dialog of this sort, there's no surprise, no tension, no feeling that something other than the obvious will happen. Interrupting dialog with an explosion is not a brilliant directing masterstroke that creates drama: it shows the need to resort to loud bangs for lack of better material and decent scriptwriting. And after the third time it gets boring.

On the topic of cliches, let's discuss the Great Plot Twist, shall we? One of the most moving scenes from The Wrath of Khan, the one in which Spock dies in front of a helpless Kirk and declares his deep friendship for his captain, is reversed: Kirk dies instead as Spock looks on helplessly. What a brilliant idea. What creative effort. How original. Especially since any real drama is sucked out of this scene because in Into Darkness Kirk comes back to life even before the end of the movie, instead of being almost certainly dead until the sequel, as happened to Spock in Wrath of Khan. We vintage Trekkers waited and worried for two years to know whether Spock would be back or not (and knowing Leonard Nimoy, quitting the role forever was quite possible at that time); those who watch Into Darkness suffer (so to speak) for all of nine minutes. Nine. Yes, I checked with a stopwatch.

The ultimate slap on the face is having Spock scream “Khaaaan!” instead of Kirk. Maybe it didn't work the same with you, but when I saw that memorable original scene being butchered my inner scream was a heartfelt, unstoppable...

... “Aaaabraaaaams!”.

I'm not done yet (well, you did ask for a negative review, right?). Into Darkness betrays Star Trek not only in its dialogs and characterization, but also in its ideals. The women in Into Darkness are basically ornaments who do virtually nothing apart from getting in Kirk's bed, moaning about the lack of emotions of their Vulcan partner (what did Uhura expect from a Vulcan, morning serenades and rose petals on her console?), and gratuitously stripping for the audience. In this movie all the decisions are taken by men and all action (positive or negative) is carried out by men: women are relegated to the role of decorative background or damsels in distress. What happened to the push for equality that was one of the subversive innovations of the Original Series, so much that it dared (in the Sixties) to feature a woman as second in command of the Enterprise (The Menagerie) and as a Romulan captain (The Enterprise Incident) and many other female characters who were professional, competent and not submissive and were sexy without having to give up their brains?

Finally, there's another betrayed ideal, and it's the one that personally irks me the most. The original Star Trek showed characters who solved crises mostly with their intelligence and smart thinking (and a good punch at the right moment), tapping into their skills and training. Nobody was born ready for command: everyone had to slog and study hard to earn it. In Into Darkness, instead, everything is solved by battles, shootouts and fistfights and everybody is instinctively capable of doing anything without even getting his or her hair messed up.

Chekov needs to replace Scotty? No problem: it's like sending a plumber into a baby delivery room, but it's so cool. Kirk is totally undisciplined and insubordinate; he even violates the Prime Directive. Sure, so does the original Kirk, but at least he doesn't do it for dumb reasons: in Into Darkness, on Nibiru all they had to do was fly at night; nobody would have seen anything. But since this Kirk is so handsome and blatantly sponsored by Pike, he still gets to command the Enterprise. One of the key themes of the Original Series was use your brains, study and you'll be rewarded; the new Star Trek loudly says,if you're easy on the eyes you don't need to study and brains are optional: you can always pick other people's brains. The series that was a symbol and a shelter for nerds has become a new source of humiliation.

Yes, I know, Into Darkness and the movie that preceded it have the merit of making the Star Trek brand popular again. After seeing this movie, new fans will be intrigued and maybe will discover the Original Series, the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and the other movies and series, which feature less popcorn-oriented stories and characters. But if reviving Star Trek entails resorting to tribble blood infusions and disregarding its values so radically, maybe the price to pay is too high. Or maybe you've just read the rant of an old nerd who's too attached to the past and who still likes thought-provoking stories and characters who don't need 3D goggles to come alive out of the screen.
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sarpi - satta - savarese - savasta - savinio - savio - savioli - savi_lopez - savonarola - scarfoglio - scarlatti - scarpetta - scarpetta_maria - scartabellati - schein - schiaparelli - schiavini - schicchi - schiller - schioppa - schmid - schmidt - schopenhauer - schubert - schumann - schutz - schwarz - scilla - scina - scott - scrofani - scuto - sebastian - secchi - sella - seneca - serafini - serafino_aquilano - serao - sercambi - serena - serge - sergi - serra - servi - settembrini - sfinge - sforza - shakespeare - shaw - shelley - sicilia - siciliani - sidrac - sienkiewicz - sigonio - siliprandi - silva - simpson - sinding - sismondi - skrjabin - slataper - smetana - sobrero - sobrero_mario - socci - soler - solera - solmi - solovev - sommerfeld - sonzogno - sophocles - sorbelli - spampanato - spaventa - spaventa_filippi - sperani - speroni - spinazzola - spinelli - spinoso - spinoza - spohr - spontini - stacpoole - stael - stampa - statius - stefanoni - stein - steiner - stendhal - stenhammar - steno - stephens - sterne - stevenson - stewart - stirner - stoker - storia_dei_paladini_di_francia - storia_di_fra_michele_minorita - stowe - straparola - strauss - strauss_josef - strauss_jr - strauss_richard - strenna_di_ascolti_per_il_natale - stromboli - suk - sullivan - supino - suppe - supplica_degli_stampatori_e_etc - suzzara_verdi - svendsen - svevo - swift - sylos_labini - synge - szanto - szymanowski - tagore - tanini - tanini_alighiero - tarabotti - tarchetti - targioni_tozzetti - tartaglia - tartini - tartufari - tassini - tasso - tassoni - telemann - teloni - tempio - tenca - terentius - tesoro_di_scienze_etc - tessa - testoni - tettoni - theuriet - tholozan - thomas - thoreau - thorpe - thouar - thovez - thucydides - tigri - tilgher - timmermans - timpanaro - tiraboschi - titelouze - tocco - tolstoj - tomei - tommaseo - torelli - torelli_luigi - torricelli - tosco - tosti - tozzi - traina - trebbi - treitschke - trentin - tresca - trilussa - trimmer - troya - tucci - tumiati - turco - turgenev - ubaldini - uccellini - uda - ughetti - ultimi_fatti_di_milano - unesco - unione_europea - untersteiner - urgnani - vailati - valera - valery - vallardi - valles - valletta - valli - valvason - vannicola - vanzetti - varthema - varvaro - vasari - vassallo - vaticano - venerandi - venexiana - veneziani - venier - veniero - venosta - venturi - venturini - venturi_adolfo - verdi - verdinois - verdi_de_suzzara - veresaev - verga - vergilius - verne - veronese - verri_alessandro - verri_pietro - vertua - vettori - viaggi_di_gio_da_mandavilla - viani - vico - vieuxtemps - vigoni - villa - villabianca - villani - villani_matteo - villari - villiers_de_l_isle_adam - vinci - violante - viotti - viriglio - viscnu_sarma - vismara - vitali - vita_delitti - vita_italiana_nel_cinquecento - vita_italiana_nel_rinascimento - vita_italiana_nel_risorgimento - vita_italiana_nel_seicento - vita_italiana_nel_settecento - vita_italiana_nel_trecento - vitruvius - vivaldi - vivante - vivanti - vives - viviani - viviani_raffaele - vogue_melchior_de - volin - volpi - volta - voltaire - volterra - wagenaar - wagner - waldteufel - wallace - wallace_edgar - wallace_lewis - walpole - wassermann - weber - wells - wessely - white_mario - widmann - wieniawski - wilde - wolf - wolf_ferrari - woolf - world_wide_web_consortium - wundt - wu_ming - wu_ming_1 - wu_ming_2 - wu_ming_5 - yambo - yeats - yriarte - zagarrio - zanazzo - zandonai - zanella - zanghi - zanotelli - zavattero - zena - zhuang_zi - zola - zuccoli -